6 Ways Reading Comics Makes You Smarter

6 Ways Reading Comics Makes You Smarter
6 Ways Reading Comics Makes You Smarter

Those who read comic books are sometimes scrutinized for being nerds, but the truth is that this is nothing to be ashamed of. Comics encompass both fact and fiction to share stories of extraordinary heroes as well as true events that are easy to digest, even for those who may be struggling to read or comprehend certain types of material.

The Stories Benefit Your Brain

  • When you read stories, brain function will actually change
  • Even when incorporating historical information, comic books are great stories that pull the reader in, thanks to their illustrations
  • The visuals along with the characters and plots can be easier to engage with for those that are struggling to read

Comic Books Are Cool

  • The most watched TV shows and movies are based on comic books, and The Walking Dead and Men in Black are also adaptations of comic books.
  • People love superheroes, and superheroes originate from comic books
  • Comic conventions and TV/movie adaptations of comics will only grow this niche society

There Are More Than Just Superhero Stories

  • Even if superheroes aren’t your thing, comic books are still a winner
  • There are so many more stories in comics like previously mentioned The Walking Dead, The Sandman, and Scott Pilgrim
  • On the flip side, comics or graphic novels that include nonfiction themes like Persepolis allow the reader to explore themes that are a bit heavier

You Will Begin to Think Differently

  • Comic book readers are made to create meaning from the text using “multiple modalities”
  • This means that all of the components of a comic book are integrated in order to form one solid understanding of the story
  • The text, space, and images all make up these modalities that the reader will incorporate

You Will Learn to Love Reading

  • When reading material appears to be boring or challenging, comic books are a great solution
  • The visuals along with the characters and plots can be easier to engage with for those that are struggling to read
  • Reading comic books allow readers to process information a little differently than other forms of media
