7 Best Ways To Influence Other People

7 Best Ways To Influence Other People
7 Best Ways To Influence Other People

If you want to change other people’s lives, then you need to influence them. You need to know the techniques behind influencing, so you can use it to your advantage. It will give you a leadership mindset that grows and turn you into a great influencer.7 best ways to influence other people.

Give them what they want

Everyone likes what THEY want, not what YOU want.

  • Think about other people’s needs, it will turn you into a great person in their eyes
  • They will love you, respect you, and give you more authority
  • 52 amazing ways to do this


Give them what they want

  • Make others feel important
  • Connect with emotions
  • Empower them
  • Respect other people’s opinion
  • Be a leader, not a boss
  • Show sympathy
  • Share now with your friends and family to help them become a great influencer

Make others feel important

When you make them feel important, they will be more likely to stay in your hands

  • You can’t make someone do something that you want them to do unless they want to do it themselves
  • Let them know that they’re important because they always help you out, then they will do it with more passion and love you for the behavior

Be a leader, not a boss

If you want to influence other people, you should be a leader who empowers others and coordinates with them

  • Never ever become a boss because it will ruin your influencing behavior
  • Co-workers will talk bad stuff behind your back, but when you are a leader they will talk great stuffs behind you

Connect with emotions

You need to connect your emotions with them to influence other people and give you position of a leader.

  • People are more likely to do things for you if you connect with other people’s emotions, and they will do anything to achieve the goal with you.

Show sympathy

Whenever someone makes a mistake, tell them you’ve made a mistake too. This will create a sense of sympathy and when you do that, people will understand you more.

  • Example: I’ve made the same mistake but never repeated twice and I believe you will never do this again as well.

Empower them

Motivate and empower them.

  • Influence is all about empowering others who want to learn from you. Successful people empower their co workers and this leads them to become a great influencer
  • Start empowering them and you will be on the way to influence other people.

Respect other people’s opinion

Never ever tell anyone that “you’re wrong”.
