7 Easy Ways To Detach Yourself From Social Media

7 Easy Ways To Detach Yourself From Social Media
7 Easy Ways To Detach Yourself From Social Media

Escaping the magnetic pull of social media can seem daunting. Yet, with the right strategies, it's entirely possible. Discover seven practical methods to regain control, reduce digital distractions, and cultivate a healthier relationship with your screens.

The Social Dilemma

The documentary examines our relationship with social media, featuring interviews with tech experts who have worked everywhere from Facebook to YouTube to Pinterest

  • Their message is clear: social media is having an increasingly damaging impact on humanity
  • Is social media hurting us?
  • A 2012 study from Harvard found that sharing personal information on social media taps into the “reward” center of our brain, triggering the same part that’s tapped into when taking an addictive substance
  • In 2019, a study out of Michigan State University found that social media use may negatively impact our decision making

Go Cold Turkey

If you’re spending more time on social media than interacting with people in real life, give yourself a reality check by having a holiday from social media.

  • Decide how long it’s going to be, inform your friends online how long you’ll be away and how they can reach you if they need help, and delete your apps.

Turn Off Your Notifications

Notifications are a constant reminder that something is happening in the online world and you might feel like you’re missing out.

  • To quell your FOMO, turn off your notifications. You might find it easier to concentrate on your daily tasks and not get distracted.

Make It A Treat

Social media should be treated as a treat when you feel like you deserve it

Limit Yourself

Set a timer on your watch or phone to limit the amount of time you spend on social media.

Delete Apps You Don’t Use

Uninstall apps you aren’t using often.

Get A New Hobby

You’ll surprise yourself with how much free time you’ll have!

Check In With Friends And Family

Shoot them a text or give them a call.
