7 Little Things That Can Tell You A Lot About Someone

7 Little Things That Can Tell You A Lot About Someone
7 Little Things That Can Tell You A Lot About Someone

One of the best life skills is the ability to accurately gauge a person’s character and personality. It’ll help you find stronger relationships and avoid much pain and frustration. Here are seven methods that will help you tremendously — either they are the sign that leads to a long, fulfilling friendship or they are warnings before things fall apart.

How they keep their commitments

If you notice a pattern where someone fails to follow through with any of their commitments or regularly changes them-it can reveal someone who isn’t reliable, doesn’t hold themselves accountable for the things they say, or doesn’t value you all that much.

How they act when they make a mistake

We all make mistakes. But when you address it in a respectful, kind, and fair way, how do they respond?

  • Do they apologize and commit to avoiding it?
  • Do they make excuses, get defensive, or go silent?
  • Do they blame you, accuse you of making it a big deal, or go back in time and list your transgressions?

How they act with people they want something from

Some people have a “split personality”—who they are changes completely depending on who they talk to.

They only put on their “A-Game” when they’re around a person they like, admire, or someone they want to impress.

How they treat people below them

How people treat service staff at restaurants, cafes, etc. can tell you a lot about how they treat those who can do absolutely nothing for them.

How someone treats those “below” their position at work or talks about them can tell you a lot.

How their real-life compares to social media

  • Check how someone acts on social media versus reality.
  • Do they put on a show, humblebrag, or showcase every “amazing” detail of their day-even though their life is ordinary?
  • It can say a lot about how a person thinks, how they feel, and what motivates them.

How their car looks

  • Look inside to see if it is clean, organized, and tidy
  • “If you want to get a good idea of whether I’d make a good employee, drop by my house one day and take a look around,” said Malcolm Gladwell
  • A car’s appearance can tell you a lot about a person
