7 things to make your morning routine more productive

7 things to make your morning routine more productive
7 things to make your morning routine more productive

Parent Post

Are your mornings tough?

Are your mornings tough? If you’re trying to make a transition to a more productive morning routine, there will inevitably be obstacles and setbacks. 

Consistency and persistence are key in creating a new morning routine, so as long as you wake up the next morning and try again, you’re on the right path.

Here are seven things you can add to your routine to help make your mornings more productive.

A planCreating a plan

A plan

Creating a plan for your morning the night before will help you follow through the next day. You can keep this note in your head, or jot it down on your phone, planner or even just a piece of paper before laying down for the night. 

Adding something you enjoy to your morning routine is a reward for your efforts and will give you an added boost of motivation to hop out of bed and jumpstart your day.

Time to unplugOn all

Time to unplug

On all fronts, your phone is counterproductive when trying to make the most out of your morning. 

Set your phone aside at least an hour before closing your eyes for bed. Try reading a book, stretching or listening to a podcast. 

In the morning, try to resist the urge to instantly grab your phone and check your email. Give yourself space to ease your way into the day and ditch your phone for the first precious few moments. 

Natural lightThe best way

Natural light

The best way to activate your body’s natural alarm clock is to incorporate natural light into your morning routine. Sunlight activates your body’s circadian rhythm and tells your system it’s time to wake up. 

Leave a window open to allow natural light to stream into your room as the sun rises. Or, make an effort to venture outside to soak up some rays before starting with any difficult tasks. 

SleepGet a good night’s


Get a good night’s sleep. This is easier said than done, but adding exercise, consistency and time away from your phone to your morning routine, will help.

A good bedtime ritual is just as important as a morning routine and should go hand in hand with your resolution to have more productive mornings. 

A morning walk Getting your

A morning walk 

Getting your blood flowing early in the morning tells your body it is time to wake up. Incorporating physical activity into your morning routine will help you feel alert more quickly.

A morning commute will do the trick. Try biking to work, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. 

If you work from home and your commute is 20 steps to your desk, try some jumping jacks before setting up at your computer, or take a walk to your local coffee shop. 

ConsistencyConsistency is the key


Consistency is the key to success. It’s especially true with your morning routine. Wake up at around the same time each day to condition your body to naturally wake up at that time. 

Our circadian rhythm thrives off of consistency, so try to stay on track with your sleep schedule even on the weekends. 
