8 Important Skills to Learn in Just Under 8 Hours Each

8 Important Skills to Learn in Just Under 8 Hours Each
8 Important Skills to Learn in Just Under 8 Hours Each

Imagine mastering eight crucial skills in less than a day each. From communication to coding, these abilities can revolutionize your personal and professional life. Let's embark on this journey of rapid, effective learning together.

Coordination and Flexibility

Most of the other skills on my list are intellectual skills, but physical skills are not.

  • Having coordination and flexibility is one of the most important parts of living a healthy life. Without being healthy, it’s hard to even think about the skills above.

How can it change my life?

Increase your analytical and reasoning skills

How can it change my life?

Reduced the time it took me to fall asleep from 1-2 hours to 10-15 minutes

  • The quality of my sleep also tends to be better
  • A lot of people report being much less stressed from doing meditation
  • Have more clarity on their emotions, body, and mind, leading them to make better decisions
  • Faster at context switching

How can it change my life?

This skill will open the doors to more physical activities. The more coordination and flexibility you have, the easier it will be to perform at any sport or physical activity.

  • It helps with blood circulation too.
  • Having an increase in blood flow and circulation to areas of your body helps promote cell growth and organ function.

What are some resources I can use today?

Free https://blog.blackswanltd.com

How do I learn it?

Habits, contrary to beliefs, are not located in the same area of your brain as your memories

  • People with learning disabilities can still form habits
  • Find and report to an accountability partner every day
  • Spend 10 minutes exchanging and encouraging each other every day


For centuries, people and organizations alike have thrived by mastering the art of negotiation.

  • Part of negotiating is learning to say “yes” or “no” to the right things
  • A negotiation where only one party gets to win is not a negotiation, it’s a loss

How do I learn it?

Write publicly

  • People can see your work
  • It forces you to dig deeper and do your very best
  • Get feedback from others and improve based on it
  • Start small
  • 300 words a day in 30-45 minutes for 12-16 days

How can it change my life?

Confidence is a key ingredient in raising your clarity, necessity, energy, productivity, influence, and courage

Mathematical Thinking

Learn to think more logically and make better-informed decisions

  • Different branches of math develop your analytical and reasoning skills
  • What at the time seemed like a skill you would not use turned out to be a great exercise to develop other parts of your brain

How can it change my life?

Salaried: It will help you negotiate a better salary and benefits.

  • If you are trying to find a job: You’ll know better what they are looking for, and adapt to your interviewer.
  • In your romantic life, you’ll handle conflicts better, and likely have fewer of them.
  • When haggling in markets, you’ll be able to get better deals, and improve your confidence.


Meditation is not a skill, it is a habit

  • Once you have the right mindset and practice consistently, you will become good at it
  • Practice until you figure out what to focus on instead of focusing on the thoughts that stop you from meditating

How can it change my life?

Learning new skills increases your motivation, makes you more adaptable, relatable, interesting, and helps you get better jobs and earn more money

  • Prithviraj, a member of the SkillUp Your Life program, learned to swim and got a new awesome job, greatly increasing his salary

How can it change my life?

When your habits work in favor of taking care of your health, you start to see a positive change in your life.

  • You are more motivated to get rid of the bad habits and become more driven to achieve your goals.


The Ultimate Regurgitation of Epic Info About Writing on Medium.com

How do I learn it?

Once you realize that negotiation is a skill and it needs practice, you’ll start to find many scenarios around you that are good practice

  • The first 8 hours: Prepare 8 case scenarios ranging from the workplace, romance, friend activities, haggling, business, etc. Practice each scenario once a week for 15 minutes

How do I learn it?

Home Stretching

  • Practice one of the stretching exercises in the resources below for 15 minutes every day for 24 days
  • Yin Yoga
  • Do 8 sessions of 1 hour of practice at a yoga studio or practice at home for 30 minutes over 16 days

Forming Good Habits

Increase your motivation for doing anything by developing good habits

How do I learn it?

The first 8 hours: Do the exercises in chapter 2 of this Exercise Booklet: http://disi.unitn.it/~ldkr/ml2014/ExercisesBooklet.pdf. After 8 hours, you should be able to do Medium problems.

How can it change my life?

Writing helps you define your voice. It helps you get clarity on who you are and who you want to become.

  • Your story is your story alone. It has the power to change both your life and that of others. You learn to become a better storyteller.


It’s one of our most powerful method of communication and it’s valuable both in life and in business.

  • Try and improve your writing skills and enjoy the feedback from your reader
  • After 5 days of writing, you’ll be published by The Startup
  • 23 days later, you became a top writer in 7 categories

Learning to Learn

Today, learning anything new isn’t as hard as it used to be.

  • With practice, you’ll learn the importance of knowing how your brain works
  • You’ll be able to do each of these things with ease because you’ve learned how to learn

8 hours

You can learn valuable soft and hard skills in about 15 to 20 hours of practice

  • The first skill in the list is the basis of every other skill you will learn for the rest of your life
  • Learning to learn
  • Writing
  • Public speaking
  • Forming good habits
  • Negotiation
  • Mathematical thinking

How do I learn it?

Seek opportunities to speak in front of groups

  • Start with people you’re comfortable with, like your friends and family
  • Talk about subjects you’re passionate about
  • Recognize that the first time you tell a story, it won’t be perfect
  • Public speaking is all about refining your stories

How do I learn it?

The first 8 hours: Watch 30 minutes of the Learning to Learn class on 2x speed for 16 days

How do I learn it?

Beginner: guided meditation

  • It takes time to learn it. Don’t try once and leave.
  • Practice at least once a day for at least 10 minutes. The more practice you put into it, the easier it gets. It’s also important that you practice where you won’t be disturbed.


8 timeless skills take 8 hours each

  • Learn them all in 8 hours
  • Practice every day
  • The consistency and repetition will make it a habit
  • You’ll be better equipped to learn anything new much faster
  • Make better-informed decisions
  • Have more physical health
  • Be flexible

Public Speaking

Act out some confidence in front of an audience to boost your self-esteem

  • Storytelling and Public Speaking are two skills that you can learn from Tony Robbins
  • They will help you present to a large audience and gain confidence faster and easier
  • Think of yourself as Tony Robbins
