9 tips to perfect your ‘working from home’ morning routine

9 tips to perfect your ‘working from home’ morning routine
9 tips to perfect your ‘working from home’ morning routine

If you work from home, getting your morning routine down to a tee will have a huge impact on how you work – and feel – for the rest of the day. Here are a few pointers that will hopefully help you start your day right.Get Your Morning Routine Down to a Tee

Wake up at the same time

Set your alarm for whatever time is realistic and works for you

  • Routines are your best friend, stay on track with your day, and make sure you leave the house by 9:30 a.m.
  • Don’t be tempted to stay in bed until last minute

Listen to music or a podcast

While you’re doing housework, listen to music and get yourself into the zone. Enjoying some time to yourself before the madness begins will make you feel more at ease.

Limit your screentime and distractions

Set realistic goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound

  • Block incoming messages and notifications during your productive time, or use an app like Opal to completely block your phone’s access to apps

Golden Tidbit

Limit the number of decisions you have to make in the morning

Have breakfast

Have your coffee, tea, or whatever but make sure you hydrate yourself both at breakfast and during the rest of your day

Avoid going online first-thing

Set boundaries between your life and work

  • Don’t log on as soon as you wake up
  • Unless it’s urgent, your inbox and Slack messages can wait until you’re ready to start working
  • If you can, try not to waste too much time mindlessly scrolling on social media
  • Screen time should be limited

House chores

Set some time aside every morning to do some household chores.

Set your goals for the day

Think about what needs to happen for you to achieve your goals and set yourself a clear strategy

  • Keep a to-do list of short, realistic goals
  • If you have a whiteboard, make sure your goals are on there so you can keep track of them


Get moving and get those endorphins going

Shower and get dressed

Showering and getting dressed before you start working is key.
