Access Your Innate Power with Soulset Work

Access Your Innate Power with Soulset Work
Access Your Innate Power with Soulset Work

Working on your Soulset is a powerful way to quiet the ego and the fears that keep us from reaching our full potential. By focusing on your Soulset, you can access your own innate power and create a life of joy and celebration.

What is the Soulset?

The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma encourages listeners to focus on their Soulset – an internal fire that radiates energy, courage, and true power.

Working on your Soulset means silencing the ego and its limiting beliefs, which can make it easier to tap into the power that lies within each of us.

Redirecting Energies Towards Something Greater

To foster a relationship with this inner power, Robin’s father offered him some meaningful advice: “Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice.” This is the essence of Soulset work – redirecting energies away from the self and towards something greater for the collective whole.

Accessing Your Inner Power

To help access your own innate power, practice turning down the voice of “me” so you can hear the louder and truer voice of “we.” You can also apply healthy sleep habits like sticking to a sleep schedule or disconnecting from electronic devices before bed.
