All About Cybersickness

All About Cybersickness
All About Cybersickness

Ever felt dizzy or nauseous after spending time in a virtual environment? Welcome to the world of cybersickness. A phenomenon that's becoming increasingly prevalent as technology advances, cybersickness is a topic that deserves our attention and understanding.

Like motion sickness, cybersickness occurs when your senses send conflicting signals to your brain

It can occur when you scroll on your smartphone or computer, use multiple screens, or attend a virtual meeting in which someone else is controlling the screen.

  • Symptoms typically involve nausea and lightheadedness.


If you’ve been in one position too long, you might develop neck and shoulder strain. Along with eye strain, this could produce a headache. Other symptoms may include drowsiness, flushing, and sweating.

  • Cybersickness is caused by a mismatch in sensory input involving the: visual system, vestibular system, and proprioceptive system
  • The easiest solution to this is to try to prevent it in the first place by reducing overall screen timetables and taking frequent breaks to rest your eyes, stretch, and change positioning.

What are cybersickness glasses?

Motion sickness glasses have two lenses in the front and one on each side. There’s nothing in the lenses, but the rims are filled halfway with blue liquid.

  • The liquid moves with movement to sync what your eyes see with what your body feels.
