Am I a Starseed? Starseed Types and Characteristics Revealed

Am I a Starseed? Starseed Types and Characteristics Revealed
Am I a Starseed? Starseed Types and Characteristics Revealed

Ever wondered if you're a Starseed? Unearth the mysteries of Starseeds, their unique types, and characteristics. Dive into the cosmic connection that may define your existence and explore the signs that could reveal your celestial origin.

The number of stars, galaxies, planets, and realms is dynamic, and therefore, incalculable

When we die and then choose to reincarnate, it seems we have many options.

  • Earth is an evolving, stable, three-dimensional planet, with an equal balance of physical and angelic experiences.
  • Millions of Starseed may have chosen to live among us, hoping to serve or benefit from our style of vulnerability, Earth’s karmic cycles of rebirth, and our planet’s continual expansion.

Characteristics of Starseeds

Physical Traits and Abilities: The soul inhabits a physical form because it is drawn into the ***** of a living being through resonance and alignment

  • Intelligence and Consciousness: They may have higher levels of intelligence and a more expanded collective consciousness
  • Emotional and Social Awareness: They have more emotional intelligence and empathy
  • Other Worldly Feelings: Anyone who has released their birth story, and the related accouterments, have initiated themselves into a more profound clarity

To truly transcend, we don’t have to go anywhere

We’re built to enjoy our minds and all the fantasies they conjure

  • Always be careful with labels you place on yourself
  • Every label is temporary, only partly true, and only at this moment
  • Each of these temporary self-identities has limitations and consequences

What are the Akashic Records?

These are believed to be the repository of every thought, word, and deed of every living being, good and bad, in all times

How Do You Know if You Are A Starseed?

We all seek belonging, alignment, or kinship with a person, family, group, culture, or society

  • To help us identify where we might belong, we adorn ourselves with labels that make us feel special or unique
  • Whether they’re based in truth or not, we love our temporary self-identities
  • When traditional titles and archetypes fail us, we hunt elsewhere, even into the stars

History of the Akashic Records

Helena Blavatsky, founder of Theosophical movement, claims she learned of the records from Tibetan monks

  • Explorations of the akashic field were also a major focus of the writings of Edgar Cayce
  • Cayce posited that there is a storehouse of information in a non-physical plane of existence which maintains a record of every soul’s past, present, and future

Starseed Types

Sirian: These souls come from Sirius A and Sirius B.

  • Pleiadian: These Starseeds come from the Pleiades, a star cluster also known as the Seven Sisters, Messier 45, and The Eye of the Bull, found within the constellation Taurus
  • Arcturian
  • Andromedan
  • Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow: Individuals from these three soul groups often possess special or supernatural abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, light-emanation, energy-cleansing, deep empathy, and reality-shifting
  • Lightworker: The Lightworker are special souls from a variety of planets and realms who have agreed to incarnate to help Earth and other worlds evolve


Any of us can expand at any moment

  • A Starseed might have the ancestry that points to expansion, but they may or may not have the intention to pursue their highest self
  • It’s easy to become distracted by the latest spiritual systems or the most charismatic spiritual media stars. It’s even easier to want to leave our lives and bodies so that we can transcend the Universe and become Everything

How Did Humans Source Information On Starseeds?

Through channelers and seers who regularly connect with the Akashic records.

  • These records comprise the energetic imprints of all intentions, thoughts, emotions, relationships, creations, and events, ever to have occurred, throughout every race, in all the realms, throughout all of spacetime.

What is a Starseed?

According to the channelers, Starseeds are advanced spiritual beings, from other planets and realms, who possess spiritual and scientific knowledge that date back hundreds of thousands of years.

  • Most agree that they are spiritual descendants of aliens from other worlds who incarnated on Earth to inspire and heal human beings, and to participate in the planet’s evolution.

Can We Access Our Akashic Records?

Where did this concept come from, do these records exist in time and space like a galactic internet, and how do we access them
