Are Twin Flames Real Or Justified Obsession?

Are Twin Flames Real Or Justified Obsession?
Are Twin Flames Real Or Justified Obsession?

Unravel the enigma of twin flames. Is it a profound spiritual connection or merely a justified obsession? Let's delve into the mystical world of soul connections, exploring the reality behind this intriguing concept.

Twin Flame theory:

It’s a concept you’ve never heard of, but it describes everything you are going through – like soulmates on steroids

  • The problem is Twin Flames is such a divisive topic, and it’s hard to get an unbias opinion
  • You’ll find forum posts written by people who seem frankly obsessed, and websites claiming to be experts that conveniently sell readings and books on the topic
  • Conversely, you’ll see legions of critics who have no time for ideas of soulmates or spiritual development

The Spiritual View

At Minimum, An Opportunity For Growth

  • While there is a genuine possibility a person is merely suffering from this psychological state, I don’t think it’s fair to discredit the idea of Twin Flames completely.
  • The stories of alleged Twin-Flame encounters are eerily similar, and often the situation is unlike anything the reporter has have ever encountered before.
  • This could suggest that what is happening is real given it triggers something within.

Delusion, Or Spiritual Awakening? It’s Up To You

You’ve been given a gift; it’s up to you to use it.

  • Avoid getting sucked into the fantasy of Limerence, and stay focused on what you can control – how you respond to this situation.

What are Twin-Flames?

Twin Flames are two souls who were once one and the same energy consciousness

  • They represent two parts of the same original consciousness that chose to divide into two to experience the nature of duality, expand learning and evolution of understanding, and ultimately reunite through love
  • The purpose of the relationship is to help us shed away the ego, heal our wounded hearts, and transform into spiritually awakened beings

Limerence is a psychological state called Limerence.

Limerence was first introduced in the 1960s by psychologist Dorothy Tennov in her book “Love and Limerence: The Experience Of Being In Love.”

  • There are five key characteristics of this condition: Obsessively thinking about another person leading to the inability to focus on daily activities without drawing relevance to them, A primary desire for reciprocation of feelings rather a sexual relationship or intimacy, A focus on winning the person over rather than their happiness or welfare, Compulsively reading into the person’s behaviors and drawing conclusions, Refusing to take no for an answer, including viewing rejection as a challenge to be overcome (nothing can dissuade them)
  • The danger here is that it’s easy to become attached to an individual and justify it as part of the destiny of that individual.
