Balancing Self-Care & Caretaking

Balancing Self-Care & Caretaking
Balancing Self-Care & Caretaking

Striking the right balance between self-care and caretaking can be a challenging endeavor. Explore the delicate dance of maintaining personal well-being while also providing for others, and discover strategies to harmonize these seemingly conflicting responsibilities.

Balancing Self-Care With Caretaking

An Essential Endeavor

  • Many of us think of self-care as a premium to be collected only after we have cared for those in our lives who need us or finished all that we have on our to-do list.
  • Self-care isn’t a reward for getting it all done, it’s a crucial part of the process of getting things done. It is essential to let go and let Universe, God, Nature, etc take care of you.

Emotional self-care

Emotional intelligence is awareness and recognition of your feelings, mood, and mental state of being

What is self-care?

Self-care is the mindful practice of safeguarding and boosting our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health in a holistic and balanced way.

  • When your love, time, and energy are given to your work, your loved ones, or others, you may find yourself feeling as though you have nothing left over for yourself.

Getting Good Sleep- No Matter What

Have a regular bedtime

  • Protect your sleep time by saying no to late-night commitments- especially if you know you have a big day following.
  • Invest in good sheets- you deserve them!
  • Pamper yourself with an essential oil diffuser and soothing music

Setting Boundaries With Others And Keeping Them

The act of communicating boundaries can prevent you from becoming exhausted and overwhelmed, feeling burned out, or taken advantage of

  • Boundaries can help you take care of others, too
  • Ensuring that you can dispense enough time and energy to the people or activities you committed to will help you refrain from last-minute cancellations or half-hearted involvement

Financial Fitness

Financial fitness means being aware of your finances and taking care of them

  • Be honest and open about your financial situation and your relationship with money
  • Your money mindset matters
  • Gratitude, appreciation, understanding will influence how you feel about money and how you treat it

Self-Care: The Most Loving Endeavor For You and Those You Care For

We live in a culture where women are expected to put others before themselves

  • Sadly, we do ourselves and those we care about a disservice by not recognizing the need for change
  • Take a break. Take care of yourself. When you do, you will find that everyone benefits.

Learn And Practice The Art Of Saying, “No”

Saying no can benefit you and others in the long run.

  • Save the energy of explanation or obligation for yourself and allow your best self to show up when you’re 100% willing to do so.

Body Love

Caring for your body increases energy levels, makes you stronger, and boosts your self-esteem

  • Take the time to create and enjoy good food for yourself
  • If necessary, create meals in advance
  • Make movement a sacred time
  • Self-care also can mean getting massages and regular checkups with our doctor, or it can mean a weekly pedicure
