Battle Burnout with This Acronym

Battle Burnout with This Acronym
Battle Burnout with This Acronym

Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? Discover a unique approach to combat burnout. Unravel the power of a simple acronym that could be your secret weapon in the fight against stress and fatigue. Let's dive into a journey of rejuvenation and resilience.

Burnout is an organizational issue, meaning employees are not responsible for solving it.

We can choose to set boundaries that protect our mental, physical, and emotional health, but our efforts to do so are often hijacked by guilt

  • When we are given a choice, and we still select our jobs over what our bodies and minds need – real breaks, time with loved ones, and empty space to rest and think – we end up letting the most important person down: our self


Think about the implications of your decision

  • Guilt and “shoulds” lead us to overcommit – and when you overcommit, the quality of our work and life suffers
  • Avoid bankrupting your life
  • Set boundaries that feel right and good to you


Evaluate the facts

  • What are the facts of the request
  • How much time is required? How much preparation?
  • Get the data
  • An actual occurrence is something that can be proven through observation or measurement
  • Before responding, consider the facts

Who made the ask?

What is your relationship to this person? What’s at stake in the relationship if you say yes or say no? Answering these questions will help you figure out how to best frame your response should it be “no”

  • If your manager is making the request, you may need to discuss your decision with her/herself to explain your decision and set healthy boundaries.
  • On the other hand, if a request is coming from a peer or work friend, you can respectfully explain why you are declining without a further conversation.

My Story

What is the story you are telling yourself about this request?

  • Stories are usually inaccurate
  • To make the best decision, you need to separate feelings from facts
  • Tell yourself the story so that you can take the time to consider your response thoughtfully


The goal is to clarify and decouple your expectations from the expectations of the people in your life.

  • Whose standards are influencing my decision to say yes or no?
  • What does the person making the request expect of me, and have they clearly set those expectations?


Determine the priority of the task you are being asked to do

  • How does this ask for your time align with your responsibilities, the organization’s strategic goals, and/or your personal needs
  • If the 9 pm Slack request aligns with one or more of these priorities, you should accept it.


What doors will this request open for me if I participate? Will it enable me to advance in my career, develop a new skill, or build new relationships? Or is it something that requires additional attention in my personal life?

  • Weigh the cost-benefit of each decision and choose the one that aligns with the goals that are most important to you
