Best Exercises and Yoga for UPJ Obstruction

Best Exercises and Yoga for UPJ Obstruction
Best Exercises and Yoga for UPJ Obstruction

Ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction is a blockage in the kidney pelvis. It is located at the upper end of each urethra (tube that carries urine from kidney to the bladder). In normal cases, only one kidney is affected. Regular exercises and yoga is the perfect tool to prevent UPJ Obstruction.

How Profitable Is?

All the main organs of the spine as well as the stomach are engaged while performing the paripurna navasana, which can help to stimulate the kidneys.

How To Do

Lay the yoga mat on the flat place and sit in the posture of sukhasana.

How To Do

Lie down on your stomach with a yoga mat on a flat place and spread both hands forward

  • Lift the right leg while breathing and then exhale and bend from the knee
  • Try to bring the right hand, right leg towards the back and lift the chest slightly while breathing
  • Stay at this stage for a few seconds

How To Do

Spread a yoga mat on the flat place

  • Kneel down on the mat and make sure the two ankles and heels are touch each other
  • Stretch the knees slowly outwards and tilt the body forward
  • In the meantime, your torso will be between the thighs and the forehead will touch the ground

How Profitable Is?

Balasana can be done if you are doing yoga for kidney disease. In this situation, you have to sit exactly as the baby is in the mother’s womb.

  • Doing this yoga properly can relieve stress and help in controlling blood pressure and stress.


Abdominal mass

  • Urinary tract infection with fever
  • Lateral pain (upper abdomen or back pain, mostly with fluid intake)
  • Kidney stones
  • Vomiting
  • Poor growth in infants
  • Urine can sometimes come out normally, and can sometimes be blocked

How Profitable Is?

Supta Vajrasana can relieve kidney problems in people with diabetes

  • Diabetics are advised to do this yoga pose on a regular basis as it can control diabetes as well as prevent other health problems.
  • Yoga is also beneficial for UPJ obstruction.

How Profitable Is?

While performing this yoga asana, half of the spine turns, which can stimulate the kidneys and liver. This can help the kidneys work better.

Causes of UPJ Obstruction

Most UPJ barriers exist at birth, a sign that the structure of the urethra or kidney was not formed correctly as the embryo was developing.

  • In some cases, a family has a inherited tendency of barriers, but usually a single family member appears to be a hindrance.

How Profitable Is?

Dragon pose can be extremely beneficial if you are doing yoga to keep the kidneys healthy. Doing this yoga can increase kidney and spinal activity, which can be good for the kidney health.

Bottom Line

It can be concluded that above mentioned exercises and yoga can be done on a regular basis in order to prevent UPJ obstruction.

How To Do

Sit in the dandasana on a yoga mat, keep the waist straight and keep the palms adjacent to the ground near the body.

  • Exhale and lift your legs upwards to an angle of about 60 degrees, then bend slightly backwards while breathing and stretch your hands forward, moving the hands parallel to the shoulder.The palms will face each other.

How Profitable Is?

Bhujangasana is also known as cobra asana and sarpa asana.

How To Do

Lay the yoga mats out and sit with the dandasana stretched straight forward.

  • Bend the left leg from the knee and place the heel of the left foot under the right hip. Try to hold the ankle of the right leg while crossing its left hand above the right knee.
  • Bend your waist, neck, and shoulders to the right, and look right in front of your right shoulder.

How To Do

Lay a yoga mat on a flat place and sit in the center of it

  • Bend backwards, first place the elbows on the ground and then move the whole body backwards
  • Straighten your hands backwards, then turn the head slightly backwards, that is, towards the back.
  • Lift the back slightly from the middle. At this stage your back will look like a spring.

How To Do

Lie down on the stomach on a mat, place your forehead on the ground, and bring your palms equal to your shoulders.

  • Lend your body upwards, applying pressure on the hands while breathing deeply. At the same time, both elbows should be parallel to the shoulder.


This yoga should not be done when there is pain in the joints.

How To Do

Take a yoga mat and stand on your knees.

  • Bend forward and close the palms to the ground. At this stage, your posture will be like a cat or a cow.
  • Lift the right leg forward and place it between the two hands. Then move the left leg backwards and straighten it completely.
