Biohack Your Brain – Kristen Willeumier

Biohack Your Brain –  Kristen Willeumier
Biohack Your Brain – Kristen Willeumier

The brain is not a machine or an organ, but an entire universe in itself.

Mental Workouts

Give your gray matter a good workout, and it will grow in strength. Lifting weights increases biceps size, swimming improves abdominal strength, and jogging increases quadriceps size. Training on a regular basis rewires the brain, forming new connections between different areas of the neural network.

Good Blood Circulation

Previously, scientists believed that lost cells could not be replaced, but new neuroscientific research contradicts this belief. According to new research, adults continue to develop new brain cells well into their sixties, seventies, and even eighties. That does not happen on its own; you must participate in the process.

The main point is that good blood circulation promotes brain growth.

Record your thoughts

Keep a notebook and jot down as many thoughts as you can, especially those that cause you to reconsider your position. Look for patterns in your journal after a week. You may have instilled a sense of helplessness or negativity in them.

After you’ve identified it, list all of the reasons why a typical negative thought could be correct. Make a list of all the reasons you believe it is incorrect.

Negative Thoughts

We have approximately 60,000 thoughts per day, the vast majority of which are negative.

However, when they were asked to keep a journal of their thoughts, it was discovered that 60 to 70% of them were negative. According to additional research, that figure could be as high as 90%.

Positive thoughts create positive neural pathways, while negative thoughts create negative neural pathways.

Go Walking

Adequate circulation is necessary for cognitive function as well as overall health.

Take a walk: Short bursts of movement increase blood circulation to the brain, which has been linked to increased creativity and the generation of new ideas. Take a brisk walk around the block or around your workplace the next time you’re stuck in your head.

Fat is good for you

Given that the brain is 60% fat, it’s no surprise that dietary fat influences cognitive function. In the brain, myelin sheaths, a layer of insulation around nerve fibres that allows neurons to send signals quickly and effectively, are mostly made of fat. It is recommended to consume two servings of “oily fish” and seafood per week, such as salmon, tuna, trout, mussels, oysters, herring, mackerel, or sardines.

Defining The Brain: A Primer

French philosopher Descartes compared the human brain to a hydraulic mechanism. Later, scientists compared it to a telephone. Subsequently, it was compared to a computer.

An American neuroscientist, Kristen Willeumier, compares the brain to a high-performance sports vehicle. You must provide your brain with regular maintenance and high-quality fuel if you want it to run smoothly.

Get rid of negative thoughts

When approached rationally, negative thoughts lose their sting. It is not always reality that depresses you; more often than not, it is an emotional overreaction.

Remember that the next time one of those nagging thoughts enters your mind, you’ll feel a lot better!

Beyond The Five Senses

The eyes, ears, noses, and tongues sense the outside world, but the brain controls what you see, hear, smell, and taste. This information is transmitted from the body to the brain by the spinal cord, the second component of the central nervous system. Once this information has been processed, new messages are generated, allowing your body to engage in conscious and unconscious processes.

Stories and new words

Long-form narrative fiction improves all three types of intelligence. This is due to the fact that it works on multiple “muscles” at the same time. It broadens your horizons, challenges you to solve riddles, and teaches you to see the world through the eyes of others.

Picking up a new word every day is the best way to improve your memory. Learning words engages the areas of your brain involved in visual, auditory, and memory processing, so having a large vocabulary is associated with greater cognitive efficiency.

Create New Brain Cells

When you write stories, poems, songs, love letters, or journal entries, your hippocampus creates new neurons. This is because creative activities force your brain to generate new words and concepts. Tension, like weightlifting, indicates that your brain is working hard.

The Power of Water

Given that the brain is composed of 60% fat, it is not surprising that dietary fat influences cognitive function. Myelin sheaths in the brain are mostly made of fat. They are a layer of insulation around nerve fibres that allows neurons to send signals quickly and effectively. Two servings of “oily fish” and seafood per week, such as salmon, tuna, trout, mussels, oysters, herring, mackerel, or sardines, are recommended.

The Problem of Dementia

According to the World Health Organization, one out of every ten people over the age of 65 suffers from dementia. This translates to approximately 50 million people worldwide.

The problem is also worsening. That figure is expected to triple by 2050 as the world’s population ages.

Solution: A Healthy Diet

Consume plenty of vegetables and legumes, whole grains over processed carbohydrates, and moderate amounts of dairy, meat, and sugar. When you combine nuts, seeds, and olive oil, you have a diet that will benefit your overall health.

Stress is bad for the brain

When you are stressed, your brain produces biochemicals that serve as both physical and metaphorical survival tools. For example, adrenaline allows you to outrun predators and defend yourself against attackers. It’s also what drives you to stay up late to meet tight deadlines.

On the other hand, stress can be harmful to your health. It depletes your brain’s cognitive abilities, depriving you of the tools necessary to overcome obstacles.

Breathing Exercises Assist You in Overcoming Stress

Deep breathing reduces cortisol levels as well as heart rate and blood pressure, allowing you to go from crisis to calm in seconds. The best part is how simple it is to learn.

A Guide To Breathing Exercises

  • To begin, close your eyes and place one hand on your stomach and the other over your heart.
  • Take a deep breath in through your nose and count to six as you draw the air down toward your stomach.
  • Hold your breath for three counts before exhaling slowly while counting to six.
  • After five to ten repetitions of this exercise, open your eyes and appreciate your new and calmer perspective on the world.

A 100 Billion Neurons

Every second, hundreds of billions of messages are exchanged between brain cells known as neurons. This neural activity generates enough electricity to light a low-wattage light bulb. Your brain will be able to charge a smartphone after 70 hours.

The brain also stores a lot of information. On average, it has the equivalent of 2.5 million gigabytes of digital memory.

The adult brain contains 100 billion neurons. Each of these brain cells is linked to approximately 10,000 other cells. Synapses are gaps in the network that allow neurons to communicate with one another. In total, there are approximately 100 trillion unique connections between neurons.
