Burned out on Self-Improvement? The Art of Sustainable Goal-Setting

Burned out on Self-Improvement? The Art of Sustainable Goal-Setting
Burned out on Self-Improvement? The Art of Sustainable Goal-Setting

The beginning of a new year can inspire our best intentions-not just to improve, but to reinvent ourselves. But now that we’re well into 2020, you might be feeling fatigued by your self-improvement goals. So how can you keep working on yourself in a way that keeps you motivated and positive?

Why do we love self-improvement?

There is nothing more alluring than the possibility of becoming your “best self.”

  • And what adds credibility to this genre is that bestselling titles are often authored by wildly successful people-celebrities and millionaires-who ensure you can also reach the same heights they have.

Food for (meaningful) thought

Even though there are problems with the self-improvement industry, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t valuable resources to support you

The big problem

It is easy to confuse improving yourself with transforming into a completely different person.

  • Shame promotion
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Unproven claims
  • Impatience
  • An oversaturated market
  • A lot of self-improvement content may actually make you impatient-not only with the amount of information out there for your consumption but also for supposed improvements you want to cement

Finding what works

Jot down no more than 3 goals you have for the next 12 months

  • For each goal, describe what that goal entails
  • Talk to someone you trust about your goals
  • Break down goals into small, simple steps
  • Affix deadlines to each step to hold yourself accountable
