Can’t Stop Procrastinating? Here’s How to Break the Cycle

Can’t Stop Procrastinating? Here’s How to Break the Cycle
Can’t Stop Procrastinating? Here’s How to Break the Cycle

Procrastination, a common adversary of productivity, often feels like an unbreakable cycle. But what if there were strategies to conquer this foe? Let's delve into understanding the roots of procrastination and explore effective ways to break free from its grip.

The term procrastinate was adapted in the 16th century from the Latin word procrastinatus which means, to put off until tomorrow

We are an impulsive species, and we value the now more than the latter

  • Consequently, we often find ourselves sacrificing our spare time in order to complete a task on time.


Taking mindful breaks helps us become more aware of our thoughts, emotions, and habits, which brings the clarity we need to choose how we spend our days.

  • Emotions don’t belong in the workplace, but they can be valuable
  • Bring your emotions to work, Jen Fisher

The Procrastination Equation

The motivation to complete a task relies on four elements: Expectancy, Value, Impulsiveness, Delay and Mindfulness

  • If you expect to succeed at a task, you are more motivated to complete it before it’s due date. If you approach a task with the belief that you’re going to fail, you will put it off for as long as you can.

4 Ways to Hack Your Procrastination Cycle

Get rest when you need it

  • Take control of your environment
  • Maintain a line between work and home life
  • Combine your vices and virtues
  • Tackle your difficult tasks first, early in the morning
