Career Seasons: Choosing a Role Based on the Lifestyle You Want

Career Seasons: Choosing a Role Based on the Lifestyle You Want
Career Seasons: Choosing a Role Based on the Lifestyle You Want

Embarking on a career journey is more than just choosing a job; it's about aligning your professional path with the lifestyle you aspire to lead. Let's delve into the concept of 'Career Seasons', and how it can guide your role selection for a fulfilling life.

The concept of Career Seasons can help you find a job that’s perfect for you in this season of your life


  • When we prioritize learning and earning more – and we’re willing to put in the time
  • Lifestyle: When we want to prioritize our time outside work, such as taking care of family
  • Reinvention: When you want to completely reinvent yourself, including the role and even industry we work in

Lifestyle Season

People in this season value work and career, but also have other equally important goals

Reinvention Season

People who want to totally reimagine and change the course of their career, usually by switching industries

  • No Season is better than the others
  • Choose what’s right for you now
  • Even if you feel like you could be in multiple Seasons, you need to pick ONE
  • You will find that trying to do more than one at a time means not doing your best at either

Introducing “Career Seasons”

Just like the seasons throughout the year, they’re natural. They change over time.

  • Your Season has profound implications for the jobs you look for and even the way you search for your job.
  • Let’s go over each Season, with real examples.

Growth Season

People in the Growth Season want more experience and more money. They’re willing to put the time in and they don’t mind working hard.

  • The right Career Season sounds exactly right to you…and wrong to everyone else. That’s the point! The right career season is different for everyone.
