Careers are no longer ladders to climb. Here’s how to develop professionally instead

Careers are no longer ladders to climb. Here’s how to develop professionally instead
Careers are no longer ladders to climb. Here’s how to develop professionally instead

Professional development has evolved beyond the traditional career ladder. Discover how to navigate this new landscape, where growth is not linear but a dynamic journey of continuous learning, skill acquisition, and adaptability.

Employee growth is the biggest driver of organizational growth and innovation

95% of employees are considering quitting their jobs due to a lack of growth opportunities

  • One-third (34%) of employees said their company wasn’t utilizing their full potential
  • LinkedIn found that employees are nearly 3X more engaged when they see opportunities to learn on the job

Level the (hybrid) playing field

COVID-19 has increased the chances that an organization might miss out on developing key talent simply because of where they sit and who they interact with on a daily basis.

  • The most important need for businesses today is to keep your employees engaged, no matter where they are.

Embrace employee-led learning

80% of CEOs rank the need to teach their workforce new skills as their biggest business challenge

  • Research shows that opportunities for learning and development are one of the top driving forces behind an employee’s happiness and engagement at work
  • Companies need to meet their employees where they are with dynamic, democratized, and data-driven growth opportunities
