Confidence Killers: 10 Habits You Should Give Up to Feel More Confident

Confidence Killers: 10 Habits You Should Give Up to Feel More Confident

Unleash your inner confidence by identifying and eliminating detrimental habits. Discover the ten common practices that might be sabotaging your self-assurance and learn how to let them go for a more confident you.

Confidence is about what you remove, not what you add

Most of the time people don’t lack confidence in an absolute sense.

Quit hiding from what you really want

If you become so good at denying your own wants and needs in order to accommodate other people, eventually you are going to believe that you and your wants are just not as important as other people’s theirs

Second-guessing yourself

When you constantly second-guess yourself, you’re effectively communicating to your own mind that you’re not reliable or trustworthy-that your decisions and instincts should not be relied on.

Dwelling on past mistakes

If you’re constantly reliving past mistakes in your head, it’s going to be tough to feel confident about yourself in the present.

Avoid reassurance-seeking

If you always outsource your emotional struggles to others, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to be confident

Trusting your feelings

Your feelings will lead you in the wrong direction at least as often as the right one

Put the breaks on catastrophizing

It’s hard to feel confident when you’re constantly telling yourself the world is about to end

Let go of things you can’t control

Try validating their struggles rather than trying to fix or solve them

All You Need to Know

Think about what habits you have that are interfering with your confidence, then work to remove them

Stop trying to cope with anxiety

When you immediately try and get rid of your anxiety by applying coping skills to make it go away, you teach your brain to view anxiety as dangerous.

Compromising on your boundaries

Boundaries are an expression of self-respect.

Criticizing yourself after mistakes

You can be critical without criticizing


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