Dental Care During Pregnancy

Dental Care During Pregnancy
Dental Care During Pregnancy

Taking care of our teeth while pregnant can often be the very last thing on our minds and most of us have no idea just how important it is! Both for you and the new baby, maintaining optimum oral health during pregnancy is a must! Most dental services and procedures, including dental x-rays, tooth extractions, dental fillings, and dental cleanings, can be done during pregnancy safely.

Can I Get a Dental X-Ray While Pregnant?

According to the American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Academy of Family Physicians, dental x-rays are considered safe during pregnancy.

  • Be sure to inform your dentist and the technician that you are pregnant before the x-ray.

Don’t Avoid Dental Care During Your Pregnancy

A dentist should be treated as an extension of your health care team

  • Good preventative care and follow up care are important to keeping your mouth healthy
  • By bringing your dentist into the conversion early and often – you can help prevent or treat oral care issues that would have popped up otherwise

Are There Pregnancy Risks for Tooth Extractions?

During the first trimester, your baby’s vital organs are developing, and you will want to avoid every possible risk including medicines and antibiotics.

  • If you need an extraction during pregnancy, try to schedule it during your second trimester or after you’ve given birth.

When Should I Tell My Dentist About My Pregnancy?

Always tell your dentist you are pregnant before any dental appointment.

  • By telling your dentist about your pregnancy as soon as possible, your dentist can provide a better road map and recommendations for your dental care during that time.

Is Dental Anesthesia Safe During Pregnancy?

In a 2015 study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA), researchers found that dental treatment with local anesthetics is safe, including treatments during the first trimester.

  • The researchers claim that many women delay seeing a dentist when pregnant, even when dental problems occur.
  • Dentists and physicians should encourage pregnant women to maintain their oral health by continuing to receive routine dental care and seeking treatment when problems arise.

Should I Follow Up with My Dentist After I Give Birth?

During pregnancy and following a birth, your teeth and gums go through changes, just as your body does.

  • A follow up with your dentist can happen shortly after birth, after you’ve recovered, and should be scheduled no later than your bi-annually check-up.

Can You Get Dental Fillings During Pregnancy?

Dental amalgams used in “silver fillings” do contain mercury and can pose a small risk to the baby.

  • Despite these risks, it is safer to treat dental problems during pregnancy than to wait. Tell your dentist when pregnant and trust him or her to recommend the safest treatments.

Can I get Dental Cleaning While I’m Pregnant?

Dental cleanings during pregnancy are not only safe, they are encouraged.

  • Most dentists agree that an extra dental cleaning during pregnancy is a good precaution against pregnancy gingivitis and its associated risks.
