Dogbert’s Clues for the Clueless – Scott Adams

Dogbert’s Clues for the Clueless – Scott Adams
Dogbert’s Clues for the Clueless – Scott Adams

“Dogbert’s Clues for the Clueless” is a humorous guide to life and business, with advice and insights from the cynical and sarcastic Dogbert, a character in the Dilbert strip.

The power of negativity

Dogbert argues that negativity can be a powerful tool for success, as it allows you to identify problems and weaknesses that need to be addressed. He advises readers to embrace their inner cynicism and use it to their advantage.

The importance of appearance

Dogbert argues that appearances matter in the workplace and that dressing well and presenting yourself professionally can help you get ahead. He advises readers to invest in their appearance and to always look their best.

The art of bullshitting

According to Dogbert, success in business often comes down to your ability to bullshit convincingly. He provides tips on how to sound knowledgeable and confident even when you have no idea what you’re talking about.

The dangers of initiative

According to Dogbert, taking initiative in the workplace is often a thankless task that only leads to more work. He advises readers to avoid it whenever possible and let others take the lead.

The perils of meetings

Dogbert is no fan of meetings, which he sees as a waste of time and energy. He advises readers to avoid them whenever possible and to never attend a meeting without a clear agenda and a plan for what they want to accomplish.

The art of sucking up

Dogbert believes that sucking up to those in power can be a smart career move, as it can help you get ahead and avoid being singled out for criticism. He provides tips on how to suck up effectively without being too obvious.

The benefits of incompetence

Dogbert argues that being incompetent can actually be an advantage in some situations, as it can make others underestimate you and lower their guard. He advises readers to play up their incompetence when it can work to their advantage.

The importance of lying

While Dogbert acknowledges that lying is generally considered a bad thing, he argues that it can sometimes be necessary for success in business. He provides examples of situations where lying might be the best course of action.

The benefits of laziness

Dogbert argues that laziness can be a powerful motivator, as it forces you to find ways to accomplish tasks more efficiently. He advises readers to embrace their inner sloth and use it to their advantage.
