Don’t work more when you work from home

Don’t work more when you work from home
Don’t work more when you work from home

Embracing the freedom of remote work doesn't mean chaining yourself to your desk. Discover how to maintain a healthy work-life balance, increase productivity, and avoid the pitfalls of overworking while navigating the world of working from home.

People who work from home are working three hours more per day than before

The blurring of boundaries between home and office work is a problem

  • It’s harder to stop working at 5:00 p.m. when you actually care
  • Don’t work more because you’re at home – use flexibility to bring more balance

Stop Measuring Productivity Using Time

Remote work is about trust

  • Don’t micromanage remote employees
  • Focus on what’s getting done
  • Do not judge employees based on how many hours they work
  • Trust is built on the trust that they will accomplish what they are supposed to

Wrap up your day when it’s done

Review what you spent time on and what got done.

  • Turn off all notifications, stop checking email, and give yourself time off-even if your desk is just a few steps away. Spend your evenings with family, friends, and/or pet.

Don’t replace your commute with more work

Give yourself a routine to prevent work from consuming every little bit of your day

  • Outline what you hope to accomplish, then figure out whether that’s realistic considering time constraints
  • Leave room in your schedule for breaks
  • Know when to stop working

Take advantage of time-shifting

Remote work means flexibility, and you should absolutely use that flexibility.

  • Make sure your coworkers are aware of when you are and aren’t working, so they know when you’ll be around to help
  • Then meet all of your obligations, and there’s nothing to worry about
