Driven to distraction? 7 top tips to stop procrastination when working from home

Driven to distraction? 7 top tips to stop procrastination when working from home
Driven to distraction? 7 top tips to stop procrastination when working from home

Working from home sounds great, doesn’t it? No office politics to worry about or difficult boss to please. Instead, you get to do things your way – working when you want, where you want and how you want. But while there are definite advantages of remote working, there are distinct downsides.

Introduce routine

Set a regular routine to help stay focused and to set a boundary between work and home life

  • The hours you choose matter less, as long as you get the job done on time
  • Design your routine around your most productive times
  • Schedule breaks and time for exercise

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Prioritize tasks

Make a list of things to do according to priority

  • Break each task down into small, manageable chunks to focus your brain
  • At the end of the day, take a moment to reflect on what you’ve achieved and build on that momentum

Minimize cabin fever

Take regular breaks to stay focused and productive

  • Get out on your bike or go for a walk around the block for a change of scene
  • Swap Zoom calls for walk-and-talk sessions
  • Client will be delighted to leave their desk for a bit

Avoid distractions

Schedule time where distractions and interruptions are minimized or eliminated so you can focus on the task at hand

  • Stay off social media, disable pop-up notifications, and resist the temptation to check your email every five minutes
  • Consider setting an auto responder that lets your clients know you only check your emails a couple of times a day

Curb your perfectionism

Instead of striving for perfection, remember what Sheryl Sandberg said: “Done is better than perfect”. Remember – we fail, we learn, we grow – and the only real failure is failing to try.

Stay focused

Too much multitasking lowers productivity and can lead to overwhelm

  • Limit your use of social media and avoid multi-screening
  • Focus on one task until it’s complete
  • It’s okay to say ‘no’ to work if you really don’t have the time

Manage your time

It’s easier to focus when you feel in control of your time. One tried and tested productivity hack is the Pomodoro Technique: set a timer for 25 minutes and focus completely and utterly on the task at hand. When the time is up, take a five-minute break.
