External Cardiac Massage – First Aid for Cardiac Arrest

External Cardiac Massage – First Aid for Cardiac Arrest
External Cardiac Massage – First Aid for Cardiac Arrest

External cardiac massage or cardiac compression, is the name given to the First Aid technique which is used to stimulate blood flow from the heart by pressing on the patient’s chest wall. It is given in cases of cardiac arrest; when, because number of possible conditions, the normal rhythmic beating of the heart becomes disturbed, the contractions may stop

Symptoms of Heart Failure

After 6 to 12 seconds the heart stopped beating, the patient will lose consciousness.

  • No pulse can be felt. After 15 to 30 seconds circulation has ceased, breathing will stop. The skin will turn grey and the pupils will become dilated. If these signs are present, resuscitation is urgently required to re-start circulation and breathing.

What should be done if a person has a cardiac arrest while eating and their mouth is filled with food?

Since cardiac massage and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation are given together, it is important that there is no obstruction to the airways while the latter is being carried out.

  • Therefore, you must remove any food from the person’s mouth and throat.

Blood Flow

The principle of cardiac massage is that by rhythmic compression of the chest wall (replacing the action of the heart muscle), blood flow will be generated in the carotid arteries (which supply blood to the brain) to resuscitate the brain.

  • What happens to the heart and to the blood flow during external compression is that as the resuscitator squeezes down, blood is driven from the heart to all the large vessels in the chest.

Cardiac Massage Steps

Step 1: Lie patient on his or her back on a hard surface

  • Establish the position of the heart by running your fingers down the chest to the lower third part of the breast-bone
  • Place the palm of your hand at this point and then place the other hand on top of this and press vertically downwards, rhythmically, 60 times a minute
  • Make sure you keep your arm on the chest wall, pressing only on the line mid-way between the nipples
  • Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation has to be given simultaneously

External Cardiac Compression or Massage

In case of cardiac arrest, heart massage should be begun immediately

  • Lie the patient on his or her back on a hard surface and press down on their chest at a rate of 60 times a minute
  • For an adult, you should apply the full weight of your body; for children and babies, use one hand or a thumb
  • When cardiac compression is combined with expired air resuscitation, the person giving the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation should blow in a breath after every fifth heart compression

How much time should elapse after heart failure before external cardiac massage is given?

Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency. If after checking to see there is a pulse rate you find none, you must begin resuscitation immediately.

  • If more than ten minutes goes by before beginning resuscitation, then the heart will be irreparably damaged.

If I saw someone collapse in the street, how would I know whether they had a cardiac arrest?

Check first to see if there is a pulse.

  • See if the person has stopped breathing. Look out for any signs of the skin turning grey and if the pupils are dilated. If these signs are present, and the person appears dead, start cardiac massage.


Over-enthusiastic compression of the chest may damage the soft organs that lie under the lower parts of the ribs.

  • It is important that a squeezing action with adequate force should depress the sternum only by 2.5-5 cm (1-2 in).

External Cardiac Massage For Cardiac Arrest

Heart massage combined with the “kiss of life”

  • In an emergency every seconds matter, so start immediately
  • Place your fingers and thumb each side of your neck, below the jaw, until you feel it.
