Find Stillness to Cure the Illness

Find Stillness to Cure the Illness
Find Stillness to Cure the Illness

The noise of the world is a dull roar that pervades every second of your life. It’s a rush of activity, a drain on your energy, a pull on your attention, until you no longer have the energy to pay attention or take action. The cure is simple: it’s stillness


Take a minute out of your busy day to do this little exercise: pause in the middle of all you have to do, all that’s going on around you. Close your eyes, and sit still.

  • Stillness might seem like inaction, which we’re taught is a bad thing. It’s lazy, it’s passive, and it’s against our Puritan work ethic.
  • And yet, this simple inaction can change our world. Stillness calms us.

The Strength of Stillness

Stillness has a calming effect on the world around us as well. By becoming still, we cause others to pause, to pay attention, and to set the mood for those who work and interact with us.

  • It takes strength to be still when others rush. It takes courage to be different. Sometimes it’s the weird ones that make the most difference.

Finding Stillness

Take the time to sit still every day

  • Find a time in the morning when the world is still fairly quiet to sit and learn to be comfortable being still.
  • From this small place of stillness, calm will carry to the rest of your day, radiating like a soothing force throughout the day.
