Five Ways to Optimize Your Workspace for Productivity

Five Ways to Optimize Your Workspace for Productivity
Five Ways to Optimize Your Workspace for Productivity

Few things affect our productivity as much as what we surround ourselves with. Yet most of us rarely take the time to step back and analyze our working environment. Instead, we take a’set it and forget it’ approach to where we work. Here are quick and easy fixes to help make your work space work for you.

Why Our Environment Matters (Even When We Don’t Notice)

Studies have shown how our working habits are often related to some sort of external trigger or cue, which researchers are increasingly tying to our surroundings

  • When we are under threat, our brain takes one element of reality and generalizes it, and from that it will determine what behavior to adopt
  • The subtle aroma of cleaning liquid in the air causes people to be perceptibly cleaner and tidier than usual

Use Different Places for Different Places of Mind

Our brains love habits, and if we can associate certain qualities with different places, it can help us get into a better working flow

  • Task association: your brain knows that when you’re in a certain place, you’re taking a certain action
  • If you can set up multiple workspaces for different tasks you’ll also be able to force your mind into a certain flow

Set Yourself Up for Success

We may think we have the willpower and control to push through harder tasks, but deep down we’re all lazy

  • Our brains have been taught to conserve energy at all costs and make subconscious decisions for us based entirely on how hard or easy it is
  • Close all tabs in your browser at the end of a day and leave only the most important task open, then continue working on whatever is left

Kill the Clutter Before It Kills You

We don’t create clutter simply through laziness or being unorganized, it literally hurts your brain to give them up.

  • To reduce the stress of clutter, apply constraints: Set hard limitations and stick to them
  • Use small storage spaces: Less room means less room for clutter
  • Conduct a monthly review of your space: Set time aside to clean, sort, and discard every single month
  • Set up a daily cleanse routine: Clean your desktop at the end of every workday

Curate Your Senses

The sounds around you and the music you listen to can have a huge impact on your productivity.

  • Certain sounds can be incredibly harmful to how you work, such as intermittent speech and hearing small snippets of conversation
  • If you can’t find a spot that’s silent, noise cancelling headphones or music that drowns out speech can help regain focus

Find Places That Inspire You

Architecture can have a huge impact on our productivity

  • Look for a spot with natural light from a window or skylight
  • Take a walk outside when you feel stuck, or simply explore a new location
  • A new environment can quite literally lead to new ideas
