Haiku Productivity: The Power of Limits to Increase Our Focus

Haiku Productivity: The Power of Limits to Increase Our Focus
Haiku Productivity: The Power of Limits to Increase Our Focus

Discover the profound influence of Haiku Productivity, a concept that harnesses the power of limitations to enhance focus. Explore how this unique approach can transform your work ethic, boost your efficiency, and ultimately, redefine your perception of productivity.

When a container is unlimited, you fill it with anything

When you have constraints, you’ll be more careful, be more appreciative of the limited space you have, and explore what’s important to you in more depth

  • This applies to every area of life
  • Productive time
  • Projects
  • Clutter
  • People in our lives
  • Life itself
  • We act as if we have an unlimited supply of life, and we can use it up however we want

Limits and Focus: What I’ve Learned

Productivity, the power of constraints

  • We often rebel against constraints, but they work for us
  • Limit yourself to one habit change at a time, and you’ll be much more focused on that habit change, much more likely to succeed with it
  • You might try: Pick one task to do in the next hour, make it a hard deadline, and make other appointments after the hour is up so you can’t extend the deadline
  • Now see what changes with your focus

The Mindful Focus Course

In this four-week video course, we will look at:

  • Understanding why we get distracted
  • How to structure your day and environment for greater clarity, focus, and meaningful contribution
  • Creating a focus ritual and train ourselves to stay focused
  • Dealing with our most common obstacles
  • Simplifying your day
  • Cutting out distractions
