Happiness chemicals and how to hack them

Happiness chemicals and how to hack them
Happiness chemicals and how to hack them

Our behaviours and mood are generally shaped by the hormones that are being released throughout the day, even though we are generally unaware that this is happening. There are four happiness hormones which you can hack to be happier:


Oxytocin is often known as ‘the bonding hormone’. It’s released when we feel safe, connected, and close to people we trust.

Oxytocin hacks to stimulate naturally –

  • Stroking a pet, interacting with animals lovingly 
  • Being in close company of friends and family and being affectionate 
  • Giving compliments 
  • Holding hands
  • Hugging for 20 seconds


Endorphin is heavily involved in the fight or flight response and is actually a natural pain killer.

Endorphin hacks to stimulate naturally – 

  • Exercise
  • Laughing with friends, watching/listening to comedy 
  • Being creative through art or design, gardening or anything that gets your juices flowing
  • Aromatherapy oils like rosemary, lavender, citrus etc
  • Last but not least, having sex


Serotonin is most commonly associated with mood regulation, balanced sleeping patterns, improving happiness and decreasing anxiety.

Serotonin hacks to stimulate naturally –

  • Getting some sun (where possible) enjoying the warmth of sun on your eyelids can greatly enhance mood and also help to boost your levels of Vitamin D
  • Aerobic exercise such a running, swimming or cycling helps to release Tryptophan in to the bloodstream which is then converted in to Serotonin


Dopamine is the reward hormone that is organically released from things like praise, positive outcomes, winning and food.

Dopamine hacks to stimulate naturally – 

  • Eating your favourite foods as a treat ( in moderation )
  • Having gratitude for the little wins in life
  • Practicing self care 
  • Listening to feel-good music
