Here’s How Managers Can Help Employees Set Meaningful Goals

Here’s How Managers Can Help Employees Set Meaningful Goals
Here’s How Managers Can Help Employees Set Meaningful Goals

Unleashing the potential of your team starts with setting meaningful goals. Managers play a pivotal role in this process, guiding employees towards objectives that align with their personal growth and the company's vision. Discover how to effectively facilitate this crucial task.

6 ways managers can help employees set meaningful goals for 2022

Show employees how they can have an impact

  • Find common ground between employee and company goals
  • Encourage employees to talk about their personal goals and help them see how working toward these goals can also support the company’s objectives
  • Consider new possibilities
  • Use experiences from 2021 to help employees consider what they could have done differently at work and then develop goals to address those issues

Give goal setting a new name

Grant Thornton began calling goal setting “expectation setting” to put more emphasis on the conversation and less focus on the process.

  • Under this new concept, managers talk to employees about what is expected from them based on their role, job level and projects from three angles: what the firm expects, what the team expects and how the employee hopes to grow in the coming year.

Help Employees Achieve Their Goals

Give employees time to reach their goals

  • Show employees the benefit of reaching a goal
  • Help your employees to see the goal as the beginning of something else that could be improved in their lives
  • If a goal isn’t achieved, understand why and adapt the goal so it becomes realistic
