Here’s How to Do LinkedIn without the Humblebragging

Here’s How to Do LinkedIn without the Humblebragging
Here’s How to Do LinkedIn without the Humblebragging

Mastering LinkedIn is an art, especially when it comes to promoting your achievements without sounding boastful. Let's delve into the subtle strategies that can help you shine on this professional platform, without resorting to humblebragging.

Hate social media

It teaches you about power, influence, people and “the crowd mentality” in a cruel and effective way.

  • People only present the highlights reel, not a balanced picture
  • If these people’s careers are so amazing and important why aren’t they off being amazing & important instead of hunched over a laptop trying to craft the perfect post to persuade everyone else how important and amazing they are?

Be Genuine

Pick one social media platform and do it well.

  • Be true to yourself. Don’t boast, but do not undersell yourself. Just be the truest version of “work you” that you can be, and make sure your posts are genuine and professional.

Final thoughts

Ditch the boasting – show don’t tell

  • Clarify what you’re trying to achieve
  • Look at others who are ahead of you and emulate what works for them
  • Be yourself – it’s all about people

Ditch the Boasting

Humblebragging: An ostensibly modest or self-deprecating statement whose actual purpose is to draw attention to something of which one is proud

  • Don’t boast online – you wouldn’t do it in real life, so why do it online?

Clarify, Then Work Backwards

What are you trying to achieve?

  • Find people who are trying to do the same thing as you but are a bit further ahead of you
  • Gain ideas on the type of posts that work
  • LinkedIn is relational, it’s a community
