Here’s Your Secret To Success: Go The F*ck To Sleep

Here’s Your Secret To Success: Go The F*ck To Sleep
Here’s Your Secret To Success: Go The F*ck To Sleep

Unlock the secret to success that's been hiding in plain sight: sleep. It's not just about getting enough hours, but about quality rest. Discover how prioritizing sleep can revolutionize your productivity, creativity, and overall well-being.

Strenuous Exercise Every Day

The goal of exercise is simply to “tire the body” so we can later enjoy a heavy sleep.

  • A sedentary life does not help with sound sleep, so make it a rule to do strenuous exercise every day.

Beware Burnout

Life is short and if we practice bad habits, if we don’t take care of ourselves, we will surely shorten that time.

  • Arianna Huffington left Huffington Post and launched Thrive Global to combat the rising epidemic of stress and burnout

Invest in your sleep

If sleep has all these benefits, if it is literally life-saving, then it makes sense to invest in it.

  • Maybe that’s buying a better mattress. Maybe it’s a sound machine or blackout shades. Whatever it is, figure out what gets you better sleep and consider it a hell of a deal.

Go the F **** to Sleep

When you’re burned out, when you’re exhausted, and when you want to veg out on the couch, that’s when you need the extra discipline to get up and go to bed.

  • Morning routines are great, but a bedtime routine is important too.

Journal Before Bed

A great night’s sleep requires a mental state of restful rest, a state of clear, untroubled mind.

  • Epictetus’ nightly ritual is a good place to start: “Let not sleep come until you have reckoned up each daytime deed: ‘Where did I go wrong? What did I do? And what duty’s left undone?’ “

Getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night does not negatively affect their output, it contributes crucially to their best work.

Here are 13 strategies that have been the secret to his success

  • Sleep discipline is something you have to be good at, conscious of, and something you can’t let slip
  • We only have so much energy for our work, our relationships, for ourselves

You Are Not an Exception

The number of people who can survive on five hours of sleep or less without any impairment, expressed as a percent of the population, is zero.

  • If not zero, close enough to zero that we can assume it doesn’t include you.

Wake Up Early

The mornings are the most productive hours of the day-before the interruptions, before distractions, before the rest of the world gets up and going too.

  • When you get up with the sun, you are more likely to wind down with it – we are made to follow the rhythm of the sun.

Treat the Weekends The Same

No matter what the problem is, the solution is often a consistent routine

  • Ask a sleep expert if you are not sleeping well
  • A consistent routine will be the answer
  • The best thing you can do for your sleep is be consistent, seven days a week

Sleep Is An Act Of Character

In the armed forces, sleep discipline is known as sleep discipline

  • Future Admiral James Stavridis decided to treat sleep as an equally important part of a functioning warship as its weapons systems
  • He began to monitor the sleep cycles of his crew, moderate their watch duties and encourage naps wherever possible

Read Before Bed

William Osler, the founder of Johns Hopkins University, told his medical students to read before bed to relax and relax their minds

  • Spend the last half-hour of the day in communion with the saints of humanity
  • Job, David, Isaiah, and St. Paul
  • Learn from them

Discover The Life-giving Powers Of The Nap

Naps are restorative, especially as you get older

  • Anders Ericsson found that master violinists slept eight and a half hours a night on average and took a nap most days
  • Teammates joke that LeBron James is always either sleeping or playing basketball

Don’t Sleep When You’re Dead (Sleep Or You’ll Die)

Arthur Schopenhauer once said that sleep is the interest we have to pay on the capital which is called in at death.

  • If you want to have a good and long life, sleep now, not later

Sleep With Your Phone in the Other Room

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska is known for giving his young staffers old-school alarm clocks – not because he wants to make sure they’re on time for work, but so they don’t have an excuse to sleep with their phone on the nightstand.

  • If you have an alarm that’s not your clock app, your phone can go in the other room, and if your phone is on the bedside table, you can’t check it at night.
