How I Make $20,000 in Just 4 Hours (With a Repeatable 6-Step Method)

How I Make $20,000 in Just 4 Hours (With a Repeatable 6-Step Method)
How I Make $20,000 in Just 4 Hours (With a Repeatable 6-Step Method)

It’s possible to make $20,000 in just four hours of work per month. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, have advanced degrees, or spend years risking your life savings building a startup with a 90%+ chance of failure. You really don’t.

A 6-Step Approach to My 4-Hour Work Month

One simple, attainable decision that you, too, have the power to make.

  • It’s the one-to-many approach that allows you to remove the cap on your earnings, charge a premium, and still limit your required time investment to one hour per week.

Step Five: Multiplying your earnings potential

Consider the level of personalization required from your services and determine how many people could realistically benefit from a joint session.

The Formula for $20,000 Offer Pricing

Plugging in your chosen hourly rate, the number of hours included in your multi-session package, your session-sharing discount (entirely up to you), and your exclusivity upsell if you have one.

Add in the exclusivity upsell: 20%

20% accounts for the fact that this multi-session package offer is special

  • $600 x (1.2) = $720
  • For the 28% discount to your standard hourly rate of $250/hour, clients can gain four valuable hours of direct live access to you and your expertise

Step Three: Removing the limiting factor

1-on-1 clients are a waste of time and money

  • There’s no amount of money great enough to increase the number of hours you have in a week or a month, so taking on more clients effectively capping your income potential

Turning $720 into $20,000

It’s actually easier than you might think.

Crafting the package

Decide how many hours a client or customer needs to get a significant, worthwhile benefit from your services.

Reconstructing your package pricing

Determine a price that you believe justifies the transformational value of the package, as well as the amount of your time and expertise each customer will receive.

  • Discounts
  • Sweeteners
  • Exclusivity
  • One-time or exclusive, limited package.

An Upfront Investment Will Pay Outsized Dividends

Once you’ve done the pre-work, you’ll have a repeatable model and reusable content that can be monetized in a myriad of ways

  • The sooner you remove limiting factors and disconnect your time from your earnings potential, the sooner you’ll be able to reap outsized rewards and get paid for the value of your contribution rather than the hours you clock

Step Two: Assigning a dollar value to your time

Decide on an hourly rate you feel comfortable with

  • Think about how much value you’re offering a person who gets a full, undivided 1-on-1 hour of your time and attention

Maximum price, not including exclusivity upsell

Multiply your hourly rate by the number of hours you plan to offer in a multi-package session

Session-sharing discount: 40%

Allow for the fact that customers aren’t getting the full 1-on-1 experience that your hourly rate justifies

  • Maximum multi-session package price $1,000 + 40% session-sharing discount $1000 x (1 – 0.4) = $600
