How To Achieve Anything By Using The Rule Of Five

How To Achieve Anything By Using The Rule Of Five
How To Achieve Anything By Using The Rule Of Five

One of the most powerful and result-yielding habits of successful people is that successful people are extremely consistent with what they do in life. They become good and they improve their skills through consistency. They are doing the work every single day, day in and day out, and this is what makes them the master of their craft.

The Japanese Author Who Built Success Through Sustained And Consistent Effort

Success is not an overnight thing and you can never produce an amazing result within days. It takes sustained and consistent effort to make it big.

  • If you want to produce a great result in life, you must be consistent with your dreams, your goals, and your actions

The Advantages of The Rule Of Five

Clear direction

  • Never feel overwhelmed again
  • Boost your confidence
  • Saves you time
  • Easy to apply
  • Anyone can do it
  • There are plenty of benefits and advantages to using the rule of five. All you need to do is to just apply this rule into your life starting right now


When the goals you want to achieve are too big, they may seem impossible to achieve. However, if you apply this rule, things will become easier.

  • Whatever you do, just make sure you take 5 action steps that will move you closer toward your goals and dreams each day.

Applying The Rule Of Five

The author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Jack Canfield, and his partner, Mark Victor Hansen, went on to sell the book series more than 110 million copies in the US and Canada.

  • Time magazine even called it “the publishing phenomenon of the decade”.
  • Their success was a phenomenon of persistence effort in applying the Rule of Five.

How To Accomplish 1825 Victories In A Year

If you will just take 5 action steps each day, within a year, you will have accomplished 1825 victories that will totally change your life

  • Every big success was first accomplished through small successes
  • It is your small decision that you make every day that will lead you toward the big success you want in the future
