How to be more Confident?

How to be more Confident?
How to be more Confident?

Self-limiting beliefs may have convinced us to focus on what we can’t do or what might never be possible. Instead, take on an uncomfortable situation or try something new and see what happens. Should you succeed at it, you can permanently shut down many self- limiting beliefs.

Don’t always rely on your memory for accurate information

Our brain’s memory does not store information in the same way it was originally presented

  • What we see and remember is based on our pre-existing beliefs, values, and self-perception
  • To counteract that reaction, improve your self-image and build confidence, it is important to get other perspectives on these situations

Don’t compare yourself

Nothing good comes out of comparing yourself to others

  • If you must compare, then use yourself as the measuring stick
  • You may be able to see just how far you have come
  • Those accomplishments are what should keep you striving to do better

Confidence starts with you

Remind yourself that you can choose to be confident

  • Once you start believing what you tell yourself, confidence levels can rise along with success, happiness, and satisfaction
  • You can make decisions and choices, and ultimately, be confident in yourself

Overcome self-doubt

If you lack self-confidence, you will always feel like you’re at the mercy of other people

  • FBI agents go where they are needed, not to where they feel most comfortable
  • Drop me into the middle of any squad or any situation, anywhere, anytime, I will not be scared because I am confident I will succeed

Gain control by facing your fears

When we feel we are in control, there is a sense of confidence and comfort that surrounds us. It’s when we are afraid that we feel the most out of control.

  • Go after what scares you
  • The result of taking such action makes you more confident because you feel more capable and secure.

Talk yourself out of negative self-talk

Positive affirmations transform your mindset

  • Remind yourself of your capabilities and accomplishments
  • “Pep” talks help you work through a challenge by reflecting on what you can do
  • Through proactive discussions with yourself, you stop focusing on the fear that you won’t be able to solve a problem

Identify where you lack confidence and what can give you confidence

Focus on areas where you are already confident.

  • Thinking about situations where you felt empowered can help you re-tap those emotions or actions to use for the areas you still feel self-doubt.

Get new skills and experience

Take classes that will help you acquire new skills

Counter negative thoughts with positive ones

To do so, you will need to stifle each negative thought with multiple positive thoughts

  • Have positive affirmations ready to say to yourself or out loud
  • Reflect on each positive notion before saying or thinking another one
  • Do not ignore or suppress negative thoughts, they will still be there to chip away at your self-confidence later on

Be curious

Curiosity can help you grow

  • Motivate you to try new things and be open to fresh perspectives and ideas
  • Any positive results you create will build your self-confidence
  • Being curious can point you in new directions that you didn’t know were possible
