How To Be Productive According To Ancient Philosophy

How To Be Productive According To Ancient Philosophy
How To Be Productive According To Ancient Philosophy

Unearth the wisdom of the ancients to boost your productivity. Delve into the profound insights of ancient philosophy, and discover how these timeless principles can guide you towards a more productive life.

Productivity has been a topic of discussion ever since ancient eastern and western philosophy started

It’s a universal theme.

  • Without a clear productivity strategy, we squander our time like we have a limitless supply
  • We watch endless hours of mind-numbing TV shows and movies, we spend too much time on social media looking at the lives of people we don’t give a shit about, and when our lives and careers do not progress, we complain.

Rely On A System

Everything we do is part of a system

  • The first thing you do when you wake up, the things you work on, the hours you work, the foods you eat, the way you sleep
  • All your small actions combined form your system for living and ultimately, the big outcomes in life: happiness, fulfillment, and better health, wealth

Don’t Try To Do More

Focus your time and energy on a few important things.

  • The most important productivity lesson is to understand that it’s not about doing more-it’s about doing the same in less time.
  • Do not take on more tasks and responsibilities, you do not have to do more things.

Keep Your Ego In Check

At all times, refuse to please your ego.

  • Celebrate the process, not the outcomes. Don’t blame or praise yourself
  • When you excessively blame yourself for things that go wrong, you end up hating yourself and everyone else.

Complete 3-4 Important Tasks Each Day

If you don’t have clear goals in your life, it’s not the end of the world. Aim for universal concepts like self-improvement, joyfulness, and having good relationships.

  • Take it easy. Life is long. Do small progress every day.

Keep Moving Forward

One unproductive day can destroy your momentum

  • Even when you’re resting, do something little that brings you closer to your goals
  • Read a book, go to the gym, write in your journal. No matter how small your effort, keep moving, and stop for nothing.

Enjoy Doing The Work

Set goals, but don’t stare yourself blind on them. Instead, give your attention to the job itself.

  • Enjoy your work. Take pride in it. This will lead to better results, and give you a sense of satisfaction.

Eliminate Distractions

Eliminate non-essential tasks and things that distracts you

  • The more you eliminate, the more focus and tranquility you have
  • Look at yourself as a sculptor – your task is to eliminate so much until you end up with a perfect piece of art
  • Social media is polluting your soul, so eliminate it
