How to become a developer and get your first job as quickly as possible

How to become a developer and get your first job as quickly as possible
How to become a developer and get your first job as quickly as possible

There is a huge demand for developers – at the time of writing, Indeed had 37,739 job adverts for ‘developer’ in the UK and 145,640 in the US. Those numbers are only going to increase as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates a 17% rise between 2014 and 2024


The language that powers 94.8% of websites on the internet.

  • To learn JavaScript, do the Javascript Algorithms And Data Structures Certification on
  • This may seem like a lot of work, but when you work as a web developer, you’ll probably spend most of your time writing JavaScript. So its important to be good at it.


These are the building blocks of most websites today

  • There are hundreds of free and paid resources out there which can help you learn and master these skills
  • Start with the Responsive Web Design Certification and the Basic HTML and HTML5 and Basic CSS sections
  • To improve our CSS, we’ll complete the Applied Visual Design section up to Create a More Complex Shape Using CSS and HTML

Version Control

A system where you save files so you can look back over time and see what you changed at what point

  • Try to do all of your projects in a local editor and upload them to CodePen when you’re finished
  • There are a lot of ways to use Git/version control, but you want to be able to create a GitHub repository, link that to a local folder, commit work that you’ve done, and push that up to GitHub

Learn how JavaScript Works

Understanding how it works can help you become a much better developer

  • To get a deeper understanding of JavaScript, read the You Don’t Know JS book series
  • The first two books are great for understanding the fundamentals of JavaScript
  • They can be accessed for FREE online or bought in hard copy

Learn a library

There are many JavaScript libraries that can help with DOM manipulation, object and array functions, and much more. Learn to use jQuery, one of the most popular, to learn how to use all of these functions. Learn more from the freeCodeCamp lesson.

Coding Bootcamps

These are great, because they are designed to take you from little or no coding experience to job-ready in 3 months.

  • The issues that you might have with bootcamps are that they are usually 3 months of full time study and they can cost from £3,000 ($4,000) to £15,000 $20,000. That’s a lot of money to spend, especially since you’re not earning for those 3 months

Get a Mentor

A mentor could be a friend, family member, or just a developer that wants to help you out

  • Having someone to turn to when you hit a roadblock is useful
  • Not everyone knows someone who works as a developer, and it’s a lot of extra work for the mentor

Finding your job

Find a developer job as quickly as possible

  • The sooner you get your first job, the sooner you’ll get the boost of practicing coding every day, having the support of senior developers, and the bonus of getting paid
  • Front end knowledge
  • Ability to create responsive websites
  • A portfolio demonstrating your experience and skills
  • Understanding of version control
  • Debugging knowledge

How to become a Developer

Two major factors in developing a skill: effective practice and support from senior developers

  • Maximize both of these to help you become the best developer you can be
  • Three ways to make sure that you’re on the fast track to starting your developer career

Build Projects

These projects should be improving your skills, so if its too easy or too difficult, stop and start a project that is at a better level

  • Sometimes when you build a project, you might need to learn a completely new skill. Learning as you go can be a great way for some people to learn.

Aim to get a junior web developer job ASAP

Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • Build a portfolio of small projects
  • Prepare well for interviews and continue to build new skills while you wait for that offer to come through
  • Follow me on Twitter for more developer tips and tricks

Building Your Portfolio

Have a portfolio to show to possible employers

  • 10 projects – 5 HTML and CSS, 5 JavaScript
  • Upload to GitHub
  • Go back to the portfolio site and update it with all of your new projects
  • Can use your new JavaScript skills to add interaction

To apply to most jobs, you need a CV or résumé.

  • It should highlight your strengths without bringing added attention to how long you’ve been coding or the fact that you haven’t got any commercial experience.
  • Include: your education, experience, top level list of skills, links to contact you and view your portfolio, and a portfolio website

Creating the Plan

Create a plan to help you learn what you need to learn to meet the requirements

Get a Job as a Developer

You’ll be getting paid to practice coding while working with senior developers.

  • Working as a developer will expose you to the side of development that you’ll not see while you study. You’ll gain experience dealing with customers and learning the business side.

Using Recruiters

They know what the company wants, often have jobs that aren’t on job boards, and they want you to get the job.

  • Be respectful and polite when speaking to them. If they ask you about jobs that are way above or below your desired job, thank them and decline.

Continued Improvement

You probably won’t get an interview and job offer in the first week of applying for jobs.

  • Give yourself time to improve
  • Adding more skills to your belt will make employers more likely to want you and increase your chances of getting an interview.


Know your CV

  • Practice your skills
  • Be early, polite, and confident
  • Ask questions
  • Follow up after the interview
  • If you don’t get an offer, use that feedback and use that to be better in your next interview.
