How to Build a Thriving Support Team and Department from Scratch

How to Build a Thriving Support Team and Department from Scratch

Building a customer support team is best done with a clear plan. You can wing it, but you will find yourself having to undo mistakes at tedious length later. Whether you’re starting a support department from scratch or have been managing customer support for a while, these seven building blocks make for a solid foundation.

Capitalize on your existing skill sets

Look at your existing team’s strengths to decide what form of support to focus on in the early days and what gaps you need to fill in the long run.

Make the call

Different products and services fit more naturally with different support channels

The pros and cons of online customer service channels

Email: Conversational, asynchronous, and an excellent record of past discussion

Individual tools

Allowing your customer team some flexibility in which tools they use to get their job done will help them be more effective

Internal tools and systems

Customer service teams rely heavily on internal systems like custom database searches, configuration pages, and logging systems to access customer information, fix issues, and report back to the company. Spend some time and effort to make those tools efficient and, if not attractive, then not actively painful to use.

Deliver on Your Company Values

If your company values integrity or speed, those values should inform your definition of great service, and you should set your team up to deliver on those values

Consistently exceed customer expectations

Set internal expectations by asking the following questions: How quickly will you respond to customers? How will your team behave when dealing with customers (tone, language, attitude)? How will you handle disagreements with customers? What (if anything) are you not able to support?

Decide which channels to support

It’s far better to provide quality customer support on a few channels than to spread your team too thin

Define “great customer service”

When building a support department, you need to decide on the specifics of service quality you will provide and include your entire team in crafting that definition.

Create your knowledge base

Your investment will be rewarded tenfold when your customers can find answers on their own

Do the work

Customer service is not like a project that has a beginning, middle, and end. It is ongoing work that must adapt over time as the market, your customers, and your team change

Hire the right people

What is the ideal support personality? Start with emotionally intelligent, empathetic, resourceful communicators, and then add factors specific to your company culture. What skills should your support professional have? Ensure your job description, screening process, and interview questions list any necessary skill requirements and clearly differentiate them from the “nice-to-haves.”

Measure the right data

Understand why you are reporting

Find out what your customers are using

Look at what your existing customers naturally gravitate toward, and do some research on your target audience to make sure you are available on the platforms they’re already using to reach them

Do service level regulations apply to your industry? If so, create your own definition of customer service that you will commit to following and, in some cases, use as an upsell opportunity for higher-priced or pay-to-play business models.

Pick your tools

Customer service tools are often low on the priority list for companies with limited budgets.

Selecting Customer Service Software

What functionality do you need?

Integrate support into your product and company

The goal of a customer-focused company is to build in systems across teams that support great service


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