How to do Surya Namaskar (Steps) | Benefits of Surya Namaskar

How to do Surya Namaskar (Steps) | Benefits of Surya Namaskar
How to do Surya Namaskar (Steps) | Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a sequence of 12 powerful yoga poses. It is a greeting to the Sun god in its honor and assimilates the faith to its divine presence on our world and impact on our body. This is the best exercise for the human body as well as consists of important Yogasanas and Pranayama.

Why Surya Namaskar?

Sun Salutation provides immense bodily pleasure and cleanses the mind, body, and soul

  • All nerves and nadis of our body become functional, so the disorders of laziness, excessive depression, and skin diseases are eliminated or the chances of their occurrence end

Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Stand at the mat’s edge in the same Mountain pose with your legs together.

  • Breath
  • Inhale Chakra
  • Heart (Anahata)
  • Bring your palms up in front of your chest in a prayer position.

How many asanas are there in surya namaskar?

12 unique and powerful Yoga Asanas or pose.

  • Twelve Surya Namaskar mantras are followed while doing these asanas
  • Offer myriad of benefits from a good cardiovascular system to improved flexibility and a better digestive system

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Inhale and curl your toes under. Push your heels while keeping your head down and shoulders back. Breath

  • Exhale Chakra
  • Throat (Vishuddhi).
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana (The Equestrian Pose)
  • Push your right leg as far as possible. Bend your left knee.Place your arms right next to your feet. Breath
  • Inhabit your feet and inhale.

Step 1: Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Stand at the mat’s edge in Mountain Pose by bringing your legs together

  • Inhale and lift both of your arms up in prayer
  • Breath-Inhale Chakra
  • Heart
  • Hasta Uttanasana (The Raised Arms Pose)
  • Now fill deep inhale and move both hands upwards

Hastapaadasana (Hand to Foot Pose)

Press your palms down with fingertips in perfect line with the toes.

  • Breath
  • Exhale
  • Bring down your hands to the floor right beside your feet. In case of discomfort, bend your knees.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Keeps the nervous system clean and strengthens the condition

  • Regular practicing of this asana will end off constipation and abdominal diseases and increases the functioning of the digestive tract
  • It will decrease fat, which is very helpful in reducing the belly fat of obese people
  • The person who regularly exercises reduces the risk of problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, low blood pressure etc.
  • SSN improves pulmonary function, respiratory pressures, hand grip strength and endurance

Hastapadasana (Hand to Foot Pose)

Exhale and fold forward by keeping your palms pressed downwards with fingertips in line with the toes. Bend your knees if you feel discomfort at first.

  • Now exhale and bring the hands down to the floor just beside your feet.

Step 6

Ashtanga Namaskara (The Salute With Eight Parts)

  • Bend your knees to the floor and exhale.
