How to Find Micro-Moments of Stillness in the Everyday

How to Find Micro-Moments of Stillness in the Everyday
How to Find Micro-Moments of Stillness in the Everyday

Discover the art of finding micro-moments of stillness amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. Learn to harness the power of these fleeting moments, transforming them into a source of tranquility and mindfulness that can enhance your everyday experience.

Stillness doesn’t mean no movement

It’s not about finding comfort or acceptance in hearing your own thoughts or living in your own body

  • Sometimes that means feeling the tough stuff and thinking the tough thoughts, and sometimes it means closing your eyes and enjoying the fresh air

Before it’s time for bed, put your electronics away, close your book, and just be.

Reflect on your day, do your gratitude practice, listen to the sounds of the night, whatever. Just give yourself a bit of time to unpack before starting all over again.

Let the to-do list be done

Instead of jumping on to your next task after finishing something, take a few minutes to enjoy a feeling of accomplishment

Distraction-free meals

Enjoy your morning coffee and tea solo, before you start (and can’t stop) scrolling your emails.
