How to Get Over Productivity Guilt

How to Get Over Productivity Guilt
How to Get Over Productivity Guilt

Productivity guilt is the constant nagging feeling that you should be doing more. If, in your quest for productivity, you’re starting to beat yourself up over all the stuff you’re not doing: stop! Blogger Scott H. Young has come clean about “productivity guilt,” admitting that blogs like his have something to do with why it exists

Be imperfect

If something falls by the wayside, it probably wasn’t serving you in the way you needed, or you found something else that works better.

  • And if there is an aspect to your productivity you think worked, just pick it up again. Doing it a little is better than not doing it at all.

Understand The Flaw Of Perfection

Being perfect is not even desirable

  • Instead of trying to do everything you’re advised to, just pick a few main things
  • Separate the nice-to-have from the essential. If you can focus on the essential things that matter for your few goals, then you can stop feeling guilty about everything else

Start Where You’re At

Productivity Guilt: Don’t strive to catch up to someone you perceive to be way ahead of you

  • Look at yourself and decide what you need to do to be productive enough
  • Stop what you’re doing and focus on what needs to get done
