How to Have a Good Day – Caroline Webb

How to Have a Good Day – Caroline Webb

Hacking your mind for productivity.

Planning Deliberate Downtime

Your brain’s deliberate system needs regular breaks to keep it fully functional. When tired, we are more likely to make poorer decisions.

Allow your brain a chance to step back and consolidate the experience. Plan for breaks between “zones” in your day. Refresh your mind after every ninety minutes.

Setting Great Goals

Make sure your goals are about doing desirable things, or doing more of them, rather than avoiding bad things happening. If they’re negative in tone, turn them around. 

Find a personal why. Can you articulate why the goal matters to you or how it will benefit something you care about? 

Break off bite-sized chunks. If the actions to take are unclear, break your goal down into smaller, bite-sized chunks. 

Make a “when-then” plan. Define clear situational prompts (“when X happens, then I will do Y”).


Group together similar tasks (e.g., email, calls, and reading) so you’re not constantly switching from one mental mode to another. 

Decide on the best time of day to tackle each batch of tasks. Create longer blocks of uninterrupted time for your most important work. 

Minimize interruptions to help you focus your attention on the task at hand. Which alerts can you turn off? Can you use an app to block access to certain websites? 

Plan small rewards for good behavior.

To Think As Clearly As Possible

Think of something positive before getting into the tough stuff. 

Break a complex task down into its constituent parts, step by step, to allow you to focus on one thing at a time and reduce the load on your brain. 

Imagine parts of your problem as people.

Look after the smart basics. Surround yourself with cues that you associate with good thinking; don’t skimp on sleep; do some physical activity.

The Einstellung Effect

Having an existing solution in mind makes it harder for us to see a radically different but better way to solve our problem.

So if what we want is new thinking, we need to help our brains get out of a rut and stimulate lots of new connections.

The brain’s deliberate system likes to take shortcuts. Take note of when that is happening. 

Signs of your brain taking shortcuts are statements like “It’s obviously right [or obviously wrong].” “I recently heard XYZ…therefore…” “Everyone agrees.” “I understand it—so I like it!” “Let’s just stick with what we know.” “There’s only one real option.”

The Discover-Defend Axis

You’re constantly moving along a discover-defend axis in your daily life, as your brain scans for threats to defend against and rewards to seek out and discover.

In defensive mode, you become less smart and flexible as your brain devotes some of its scarce mental energy to responding to a potential “threat.”


In discovery mode, you’re motivating yourself with rewards: a social sense of belonging or recognition; a personal sense of autonomy, competence, or purpose; or informational rewards that come from learning or experiencing new things

The Mind-Body Loop

The way you treat your body has a direct, immediate impact on your brain’s performance, affecting both its cognitive and emotional functions. 

Your brain’s deliberate system performs far better when you’ve had enough sleep, some aerobic exercise, and a few moments of mindfulness.

Mimicking the physical actions associated with feeling happy, confident, and relaxed appears to tell your brain that you are in fact happy, confident, and relaxed, creating a self-fulfilling loop.

The Two-System Brain

Your deliberate system is responsible for sophisticated functions such as reasoning, self-control, and forward-thinking. It excels at handling anything unfamiliar, complex, or abstract. But it has a limited capacity and gets tired quickly. 

Your automatic system lightens the load on your deliberate system by automating most of what you do and taking fast shortcuts that filter out “irrelevant” information and options. But it inevitably leaves you with blind spots.

Getting Through Filters

Getting a message through to other people can be hard because other people’s automatic systems get in the way.

Provide a reward or a dose of intrigue as you communicate. The human brain craves new things.

Experiment with different mediums for your information. Use visuals, charts, and everything else that you can think of to stimulate the mind. Present your information from a different vantage point.

Knowing How To Reboot Your Energy

For a complete and happy day, you need to focus on your energy and reboot it when needed.

Know thyself by identifying where the typical energy highs and lows

In all the empirical studies on psychological well-being, one thing emerges as a reliable foundation for happiness: the quality of our relationships

Resolving Tensions: Find Common Ground

If you disagree on something:

Articulate the other person’s perspective as if you truly believe it.

Identify what you both agree on.

Isolate the real disagreement; explore how you could both be right.

Decide what you can do based on what you agree on.

Approach Goals And Avoidance Goals

There are two types of goals:

Approach goals are better than avoidance goals as they encourage higher performance.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate

Assume “Good person, Bad Circumstances”

People are often good, but their circumstances can change how they come out.

Get clear on the “true facts”: what you know for sure. Then assume that the other person has good intent, and imagine the circumstances that could be causing his or her behavior.

Three Ways To Give Brain-Friendly Feedback

Use one or more of these three techniques next time you want to provide input or challenge someone’s ideas: 

Making Things Happen


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