How to learn a heritage language

How to learn a heritage language
How to learn a heritage language

Embarking on the journey of learning a heritage language can be a deeply personal and rewarding experience. It's a path that connects you to your roots, enriches your cultural understanding, and broadens your linguistic horizons. Let's explore this fascinating endeavor together.

Heritage language learners can sometimes feel like a failure for not being fluent before they’ve even given themselves a chance to try

Finding the right tools, setting realistic goals and acknowledging existing skill can make the process of learning your parents’ language more fun and fulfilling.

  • In one generation, one family will have lost both of its heritage languages.

Decide What You Want to Do With Your Language

Knowing what you want to do with your language will help you prioritize what you need to learn.

  • You’re a heritage speaker, not a native speaker. The goal of native fluency is not practical, so take that pressure off yourself.

Find the tools that work for you

If an in-person class isn’t an option for you, there are plenty of online tools

  • Jo Hyun and Dana Hooshmand run a website called Discover Discomfort
  • They explore different cultures and languages around the world and share what they’ve learned
  • Use online tools to help them learn their heritage languages

Give yourself credit for what you know – it’s more than you think

Many heritage language learners are taught that multilingualism is not a path to success, only to realize, much later in life, that it’s actually a considerable asset.

  • First things first, give yourself some credit!

Focus on the joy

Ignore the ads for language learning courses or apps that say you’ll be fluent in no time

  • Remember what you love most about learning your heritage language
  • Have conversations with your mom in Korean instead of English
  • Sing along to your favorite salsa song in the car with the windows open so everyone can hear you learn all the words

Build on your strengths

Carreira recommends breaking down your language skills into four major categories: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and listening

  • Identify your strengths and then build on them to become better at your chosen skill
  • You are less likely to stop trying to improve if you begin with strengths and build upon them
