How to measure meaning in life

How to measure meaning in life
How to measure meaning in life

What does it mean to have a meaningful life, and is meaningfulness really necessary for happiness?


Studies show that people who believe their lives are meaningful tend to be happier and have higher work satisfaction.

  • In addition, they believe they have more control over their lives.
  • Not only that, they are less likely to experience depression, suicidal thoughts, and substance abuse.

How to lead a more meaningful life?

Practice regular self-reflection either through journaling or deep conversations with your friends.

  • Clarify your aspirations and spot discrepancies between your plans and your actions.
  • Read books about the meaning of life; a great example is “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl, who writes about his time in Auschwitz, reflecting on why some prisoners were able to cope better than others.

The sources of meaning


  • Education
  • Future aspirations
  • Hobbies

How to measure meaning in your life?

In addition to the sources mentioned above, it is crucial to self-reflect.

  • Some tools can help you with that, for instance, the “Meaning Life Questionnaire” (MLQ), or other scientific scales like purpose in life test (PIL), or the life regard index (LRI).
