How to meditate like an Olympic athlete

How to meditate like an Olympic athlete
How to meditate like an Olympic athlete

Olympians exercise more than just their bodies for athletic competitions to perform at the highest level. Meditation is the state of mind that allows an Olympian athlete to focus on their intention, eliminate distractions, and execute.

Meditation Misconception

Meditation does not require you to sit in silence for a long period of time

  • All it takes to meditate is to stop, sit down, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing

Olympic-style Meditation

Many Olympians focus on actively meditating, focusing on breathing and movements while doing their sport

  • The voice in your head pointing out what is wrong is important; acknowledge it, then go back to the present moment
  • Daydreaming is a form of meditation
  • Athletes fantasize the outcomes that they are trying to achieve, and try to create muscle memory in their minds
  • Visualization is not magic, it is more about alignment

The Benefits

Portfolio managers on Wall Street perform mindfulness exercises to be at their best as well

  • It helps reduce stress and anxieties
