How to Overcome Frustration: 3 Simple but Effective Steps

How to Overcome Frustration: 3 Simple but Effective Steps
How to Overcome Frustration: 3 Simple but Effective Steps

Overcoming frustration can often feel like an uphill battle. Yet, with the right approach, it's entirely possible. Discover three simple, yet effective steps that can help you navigate through the stormy seas of frustration and find your calm.

Overcoming Frustration

Be here now: focus your mind and attention on what is now, right here at this moment.

  • Appreciate what you do have: focus on the important things we may sometimes take for granted, like a warm home and a roof over our head, or a drinkable water, or access to the internet, or friends and family
  • Focus on what you can do right now: what small steps you can take to improve this situation.

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About the Author

Henrik Edberg is the creator of the Positivity Blog and has written weekly articles here since 2006

Bonus tips to reduce or prevent frustration:

Make note of your triggers and see what you can do about them

  • Talk it out (instead of keeping it bottled up)
  • Perfectionism towards yourself or others does most often lead to plenty of frustration and disappointment
  • Set your standards both for others and yourself at a human level rather than at perfection
  • Accept that sometimes you will make mistakes, have setbacks and not reach your goals when you’d like to
  • Communicate as directly as you can

Here’s the next step

A free one-page step-by-step checklist

  • includes the 3 main steps in this article.
  • Save it or print it out so you have it for your daily life and for the next time when frustration starts to grow.
