How to say No without explaining yourself

How to say No without explaining yourself
How to say No without explaining yourself

Parent Post

Saying no starts with

Saying no starts with identifying your best yes and honoring it.

The more you practice saying no the easier it will get — trying leading with a positive or sandwiching your no between two positives.

It will be tempting to continue talking after you have said no, bite your tongue! When you do say no, celebrate your strength.

Be courageous through discomfortIt

Be courageous through discomfort

It will be extremely tempting to follow up “No, I can’t tonight.” with “we haven’t spent much time as a family lately. My husband is going to make Thai food so the kids can try it.”

The discomfort only lasts for about 8 seconds and we need to “choose courage over comfort”. 

Offer the “can” or

Offer the “can” or the “next time”. Only if you truly want to

Maybe you have to say no, but you’d really like to prioritize it in future months.

Or maybe you have to say no, but you have an idea of another way you can help that fits within your boundaries. Now is the time to say it.

You may feel a lot better saying no when you can offer up a can or a next time. If it is not something you want to do in the future, just say no.

Lead with good vibesInstead

Lead with good vibes

Instead of saying “no” say “Aww, I love seeing our kiddos play together, but we can’t tonight.” (Leading with good vibes).

Good vibes sandwich

Or instead of saying ‘no” say “Aww, I love seeing our kiddos play together, but we can’t tonight. I hope you guys have a fun time, it’s suppose to be a beautiful night!” (Sandwiching my no with good vibes).

Engage with your most

Engage with your most important YES

Once you’re done with all of the no’s. Enjoy your most important yes!

Today we feel like we need to go-go-go, achieve-achieve-achieve, post-post-post, but busy doesn’t have to be the goal.  When you make time for your most important yes’s, be fully present and enjoy!

Start saying no, it

Start saying no, it will get easier over time

Saying no is a muscle and you have to practice to strengthen it.

The only way to get better at saying no, is to start saying no. People won’t be upset with you for saying no and holding your boundaries. In fact they will respect you even more.
