How to Supercharge Your Productivity For a Sprint

How to Supercharge Your Productivity For a Sprint
How to Supercharge Your Productivity For a Sprint

Ready to supercharge your productivity for a sprint? Discover strategies to maximize your efficiency, maintain your focus, and achieve more in less time. Let's delve into the art of sprint productivity and transform your work ethic.

Short deadlines can be a blessing in disguise

Stop procrastinating

  • Clear priorities
  • Finish line in sight
  • Build teamwork
  • Success
  • Use deadlines as extrinsic motivation to keep going until you cross the finish line
  • A looming deadline might seem stressful at first, but there are ways that shorter deadlines can help benefit you


Templates: Have templates ready to go for presentations, emails, reports, etc.

  • Away messages: Incorporate away messages during busy times
  • Go offline: Disable notifications, put your phone on airplane mode, sign out of social media accounts, and put “away” messages on chat
  • Priority list: Use the Eisenhower Matrix to help you rank your tasks and make them as “important” or “urgent”
  • Have a plan for meals: Plan meals so you don’t have to spend time cooking or prepping for a time sensitive deadline

How to Prioritize

Make a list of all the tasks that you need to accomplish by a specific deadline

  • Organize and schedule your tasks
  • Competing deadlines
  • If everything seems important, rank them by time sensitivity and by seniority
  • Be honest with yourself and check-in with your team to see what is truly important
