How to Tell If You’re Confident.

How to Tell If You’re Confident.
How to Tell If You’re Confident.

Unraveling the layers of self-perception, we delve into the realm of confidence. We explore the signs that indicate a strong sense of self-assuredness, helping you discern if you're truly confident or merely putting on a brave face.

Self-esteem and self-acceptance are not the same

Self-confidence is the attitude about your skills and competencies

  • When self-esteem is low, people don’t trust their abilities, don’t value themselves as individuals, and don’t consider themselves worthy.
  • Oppositely, people with inflated self esteem tend to overestimate their abilities and worth compared to others and are egocentric and fail to consider anyone else’s needs besides their own
  • Healthy people with high self esteem love and accept themselves
  • If we raise children that trust their skills and abilities while being empathetic and humble, they will grow into adults with personal values & self-worth

Take care of your body

Exercising, watching your diet, getting enough sleep, and going for regular medical check-ups will ensure a healthy body that can help in promoting confidence

  • Practical tip – take 15 to 30 minutes a day for a workout that, along with intermittent fasting, can positively alter your body figure and improve your health

Accept your past, but don’t let it define you

There’s no such thing as a perfect human being, so don’t hold yourself to impossible standards

  • As an adult, you are in control of your life and your decisions
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Learn to accept your past and integrate it into your identity
