Improving Your Team’s Communication In The Age Of Remote Work

Improving Your Team’s Communication In The Age Of Remote Work
Improving Your Team’s Communication In The Age Of Remote Work

The biggest obstacle remote teams face is emulating the natural communication that happens at the office. Obed Parlapiano shares his advice and tips on how to improve your team’s communication and productivity by creating habits and processes focused on improving collaboration. Improving Your Team’s Communication In The Age Of Remote Work

Why Is In-Person Communication So Effective But Also So Messy?

At the point when we talk with others in person, we get a great deal of data.

  • We can peruse the space to recognize implicit arrangements, coalitions, pressures, and the general mindset of everybody, and respond in like manner. We do this unknowingly, making up close and personal correspondence more powerful.


Working gatherings structure an organization of information, where every individual will have interesting data that is open to everybody

  • By making documentation the default rather than a reconsideration, you’re working on your institutional memory, which makes basic data open by anybody, whenever, anyplace

Public Communication

For your far-off group to impart adequately, doing it openly is a significant advance.

  • Only have as many channels as you really need, only invite the necessary people to them, and understand that it’s OK to mute unimportant channels.

Altering Our Mindset: Remote Work Is Not an Online Office

Turning into a useful distant group requires an adjustment of mentality: defaulting to offbeat rather than simultaneous joint effort.

Rules For Effective Communication


  • Make each message noteworthy, an inquiry, or useful, and to incorporate its unique situation
  • Use in-person correspondence to improve cooperation and build relationships

Permit Yourself Some Deep Work

Nonconcurrent correspondence in a distant setting is ideal for it.

  • When you’re not needed to be consistently on the web, the chance to do significant work will radically increment, however, your capacity to get assistance will get slower
